• 由于投资者预期央行再次大幅降息英镑美元欧元继续走低。

    As investors expected the central bank will again cut interest rates sharply, the British pound against the dollar and the euro continued to go down.


  • 亚洲市场上,英镑兑美元下跌至1.6640,趋势势头指标持平

    GBPUSD eased to 1.6640 in Asia; trend and momentum indicators are flat.


  • 英镑兑美元下跌至1.5427的同时英镑日元减弱130.95。

    The GBPUSD declined to 1.5427 while GBPJPY weakened to 130.95.


  • 英镑单日跌幅创历史记录英镑美元汇率暴跌超10%,触及1985年以来最低点。

    The pound suffered its most dramatic one-day fall in history, plunging more than 10 percent against the dollar to hit levels last seen in 1985.


  • 6月23日举行公投以来,英镑美元贬值16%,这意味着美元计算,英国财富大幅已缩水。

    Since the referendum on June 23, the pound has weakened by around 16% against the dollar, meaning UK wealth is sharply lower expressed in dollar.


  • 温和通货膨胀报告开启了英国央行采取量化宽松政策大门英镑美元弱,下跌至1.5100。

    The Sterling was weaker as the dovish inflation report opened the door for further BoE QE trading down to 1.5100 against the Usd.


  • 就是说英镑美元比率已经接近于体现根本价值,同时欧元的比率显示其长期价值被低估了15%。

    This suggests that the pound is now close to its underlying value against the dollar and about 15% below its long-term value against the euro.


  • 自从6月23日公投那天以来,一方面英镑美元汇率下跌了13%,另一方面英镑兑欧元汇率也下降了10%。

    While the pound has fallen about 13% against the dollar since its peak on 23 June, the day of the referendum, it has also fallen about 10% against the euro.


  • 金融分析专家他们预测在未来英镑遭受投机资金攻击去年年初英镑兑美元曾经触底1.40,几乎欧元等价

    City experts said they expected the pound to be subjected to further speculative attacks, testing the low of just under $1.40 hit early last year and closing in on parity against the euro.


  • 英镑美元的汇率连续32走低英镑兑欧元的汇率更是在201110月至历史最低点国债收益有所下跌。

    Sterling dropped to a 32-month low against the dollar and reached its weakest level against the euro since October 2011, but gilt yields actually fell.


  • 伴随着这个突然逆转日元套利交易活跃起来,澳元对日元56.88上扬至59.79,英镑美元上扬至141.10。

    With the abrupt reversal in Jpy, carry trades were also revived with the AudJpy climbing from 56.88 to 59.79. The GbpJpy rose to 141.10.


  • 英镑兑美元汇率6个月高点1.5808美元下跌,一度滑落至1.5521美元低点随后回升至1.5768,美元,较周三略有上涨

    The pound fell from a six-month high of $1.5808 to a low of $1.5521 but recovered to $1.5768, up slightly from Wednesday.


  • 星期五纽约一欧元欧元美元$1.2718上升至$1.2812,与此同时英国的一英镑兑美元从$1.5345上升至$1.5403。

    The euro rose to 1.2812 from 1.2718 late Friday in New York, while the British pound was up to $1.5403 from $1.5354.


  • 数据促使英镑兑美元1.5945强劲反弹,靠近关键阻力为1.6040(成功触及高点1.6025),还推动欧元英镑回落至0.9300支撑位附近。

    This prompted GBPUSD to rally strongly from 1.5945 towards the key resistance at 1.6040 (managing to touch a high of 1.6025), and pushed EURGBP back towards 0.9300 support.


  • 随着美元英镑汇率跌至26年来的低点,本已昂贵的伦敦变得负担不起。

    With the dollar slumping to a 26-year low against the pound, already-expensive London has become quite unaffordable.


  • 美国基准利率目前已经介于0%-0.25%之间,美元欧元英镑日圆大幅下挫

    With the target for the key U.S. interest rate now between 0% and 0.25%, the dollar tumbled against the euro, the British pound and the Japanese yen.


  • 合约指定价格现有汇率美元5.65港元英镑10.50港元)为基准。

    The price specified in this contract shall be based upon the present exchange rate (HK $ 5. 65 per U.S.Dollar or HK $10. 50 per Sterling Pound).


  • 英镑兑1.5629美元,此前1.5277美元美元1.1178瑞士法郎周一尾盘1.1594瑞士法郎。

    The U.K. pound was at $1.5629 from $1.5277, and the dollar was at 1.1178 Swiss francs from 1.1594 Swiss francs late Monday.


  • 7月23日美元欧元历史最低点,英镑跌至26年最低点

    On July 23, the dollar fell to an all-time low against the euro and to a 26-year low against the pound.


  • 英镑失去部分光芒尤其是美元目前交易于1.6300下方,之前于昨天摸至8个月高点。

    The pound has lost some of its lustre especially against the dollar and it is now below 1.6300 after reaching an 8-month high yesterday.


  • 包括日圆泰铢印尼盾在内货币兑美元欧元英镑一直在走因此买进的资产本币计算会更加便宜

    Such currencies as the yen, Thai baht and Indonesian rupiah have been strengthening against the U. S. dollar, euro and sterling , which makes their purchases cheaper in local currency terms.


  • 欧元澳元瑞郎依然强劲美元英镑走软。

    It remains strong against the Aussie and the CHF, while it is lower against the dollar and the pound.


  • 还有对是美元英镑美元瑞士法郎美元加拿大元和美元澳元

    The other four that round out the six major pairs pit the dollar against the British pound, the Swiss franc and the Canadian and Australian dollars.


  • 美元欧元英镑加元下跌;但日元瑞郎冒险情绪回暖而上涨。

    The dollar lost ground against the euro, pound, and Canadian dollar while strengthening against the Japanese yen and Swiss franc on improving risk appetite.


  • 美元欧元英镑加元下跌;但日元瑞郎冒险情绪回暖而上涨。

    The dollar lost ground against the euro, pound, and Canadian dollar while strengthening against the Japanese yen and Swiss franc on improving risk appetite.


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