Steve Jobs, Apple's chief executive, made his first public appearance since going on medical leave six weeks ago.
"It turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me," he told the students.
All true, but let's think different, to borrow the Apple marketing slogan of years back.
Apple's emerging global brand is privacy; it has staked its corporate reputation on limiting the sort of mass surveillance.
It's worth noting that even if Apple ultimately loses this case, it has plenty of technical means to close a backdoor over time.
Last year, Apple launched a personal computer that is cooled by liquid that is pumped through little channels in the processor.
Jobs was said by an engineer in the early years of Apple to emit a "reality distortion field", such were his powers of persuasion.
Apple says all phones have this problem—yeah, they have that problem after you fix the problem with touching the antenna.
Every Apple product has obsolescence built in, and if I lose my laptop's power cord, they charge me $80 for a new one.
Experts said that whether or not Apple loses this specific case, measures that it could put into place in the future will almost certainly be able to further limit the government's reach.
Apple announced Monday that, it sold more than 4 million iPhone 4S units between 8 a.m. Friday and 12 midnight Sunday.
As for recycling, the 9,500 tonnes of electronics, Apple says it has recycled since 1994, is puny given the amount of equipment the firm sells.
“我们不能公布其他人的消息。”苹果公司iPod和iPhone营销副总裁Greg Joswiak说。
"We can't announce other people's news," said Greg Joswiak, vice president of iPod and iPhone marketing at Apple.
Google and Apple have made it far too difficult to adjust these settings so it's up to us to take steps to ensure we set these triggers to suit our own needs, not the needs of the app makers.
Google and Apple have made it far too difficult to adjust these settings so it's up to us to take steps to ensure we set these triggers to suit our own needs, not the needs of the app makers'.
Apple's stance on these issues emerged post-Snowden, when the company started putting in place a series of technologies that, by default, make use of encryption to limit access to people's data.
苹果公司在一份新闻稿中表示,它计划为下一代操作系统iPhone 3.0和MacOSXSnow Leopard预览新功能和APIs 。
Apple said in a press release that it plans to preview new features and APIs for its next-generation operating systems iPhone 3.0 and Mac OS X Snow Leopard.
从苹果牛顿到 iPhone,苹果公司付出了大量的研究和努力,但最终努力换来了成功。
It took a lot of research and hard work to go from the Apple Newton to iPhone but in the end, the effort became successful.
Apple's CEO, Steve Jobs, believed in the product and he began to find out ways of improving it.
虽然苹果公司在1998年就停止了牛顿手机的销售,但它直到2007年才推出第一代 iPhone。
Though Apple stopped selling the Newton in 1998, the first iPhone wasn't available until 2007.
Some of them come from the world's most successful companies, like the Newton computer from Apple.
我在此辞去苹果公司CEO 一职。如果董事会认为合适,我愿意担任董事会主席、董事和苹果员工。
I hereby resign as CEO of Apple. I would like to serve, if the Board sees fit, as Chairman of the Board, director, and Apple employee.
The notice of Apple.Inc reads: Siri can be enabled in any country, and you can choose to speak to it in English, French, or German.
正如苹果公司和几位安全专家所主张的,强迫苹果公司编写软件来让联邦调查局访问某 iPhone的指令,将树立起一个令人不安的先例。
As Apple and several security experts have argued, an order compelling Apple to write software that gives the FBI access to the iPhone in question would establish an unsettling precedent.
如果苹果公司被迫为美国执法机构破解了一部 iPhone以协助案件调查的话,那俄国或者伊朗也提出同样要求,苹果公司又该如何拒绝呢?
If Apple is forced to open up an iPhone for an American law enforcement investigation, what is to prevent it from doing so for a request from the Russians or the Iranians?
正如苹果公司和几位安全专家所主张的那样,强迫苹果公司编写软件来让联邦调查局访问某iPhone 的指令,将树立起一个令人不安的先例。
As Apple and several security experts have argued, an order compelling Apple to write software that gives the F.B.I. access to the iPhone in question would establish an unsettling precedent.
Apple asked its cable maker, Volex, to start producing power cables.