Sales of Apple's notebook computers were surging and no one was noticing.
There is not an Apple MacBook in sight, and demure "office ladies" still serve the tea.
There is not an Apple MacBook in sight, and demure “office ladies” still serve the tea.
Wine sales at Bone's jumped by 11 percent per diner in the two weeks following the iPads' introduction, compared with the previous three weeks.
But the star attraction of the morning was Cochran's silver MacBook, equipped with the Quake Catcher program.
Fortunately, the owner had taken the precaution of installing an open-source tracking tool called Prey on his MacBook Pro beforehand.
While the MacBook Wheel won't hit the shelves for another 3 to 15 months, many Apple users already have it on their wish list.
The 15-inch MacBook Pro is Apple's most diverse laptop model; no wonder, as it's long been one of the company's best-selling machines.
This guy badgered me about how Microsoft was going to completely change the world with this tablet PC software and eliminate all notebook computers, and Apple ought to license his Microsoft software.
But don't take this to mean Apple won't put flash in its laptops at all.
Even Major computer manufactures Apple, Dell, and HP warn in user manual's against placing notebooks on thighs. because of the risk of burns skin.
CollinsStewart分析师库马尔(ashok Kumar)在最近的一份报告中说,SnowLeopard令苹果处于有利地位,可以抢夺笔记本电脑的市场份额。
Snow Leopard puts Apple in 'pole position' to capture market share for notebook computers, Collins Stewart analyst Ashok Kumar said in a recent note.
Sony’s Vaio notebook computers offer an alternative to Apple’s laptops.
The research firm said that computer hardware including Apple inc's iPad and laptop computers drove most of the growth.
The Earthsense survey indicates that Apple was winning the battle for perception even before it made the "greenest notebook" claim.
This month, Apple unveiled two revised MacBook Pro laptops with higher-capacity, sealed-in batteries.
对于2008年推出的MacBook Air笔记本电脑来说,苹果称有43%的碳排放来自所使用的能源。
In the case of the MacBook Air laptop launched in 2008, the company says 43% of its carbon emissions come from the energy it USES.
In all likelihood Apple will find ways to integrate iOS into form factors that are more competitive with desktop and laptops.
Sales of Apple's iPad tablet have already cut into sales of traditional notebook computers.
截至去年12月的季度,苹果台式电脑发货量下滑25%,而笔记本电脑发货量增长了34%。 台式电脑业务收入占苹果总收入的约17%。
Apple's desktop shipments fell 25% in the December quarter while laptop shipments rose 34%.
Apple has total control over its products and has been able to branch out to other types of devices beyond desktops and laptops.
Finally, while Apple has cut the prices of these two new laptops, they are still pricey compared with similar-sized models from other companies.
Panasonic is expected to launch a 40in Oled television next year and, according to online speculation, Apple will make a 15in Oled notebook on which users will be able to download movies.
Here's a portrait of Steve Jobs made out of parts of a Macbook Pro, issued by web design company Mint Digital.
Other analysts have suggested the iPad is likely cannibalizing the low-end notebook market.
Other analysts have suggested the iPad is likely cannibalizing the low-end notebook market.