• 最新来的房客竟然草坪修剪

    The most recent tenants hadn't even cut the grass.


  • 他们灌木草坪美化家园。

    They had landscaped their property with trees, shrubs, and lawns.


  • 兰尼快速并且无声地穿过前面草坪

    Lenny moved swiftly and silently across the front lawn.


  • 花园里布置草坪花坛

    The gardens were laid out with lawns and flower beds.


  • 继续草坪割草其他日常杂务

    He continued to mow the lawn and do other routine chores.


  • 无法躲开那些发现穿过草坪成群记者

    He could not escape the massed ranks of newsmen who spotted him crossing the lawn.


  • 修剪草坪,还要清除所有那些下来

    Having mown the lawn, there are all those grass clippings to get rid of.


  • 男人们修剪了大片的草坪然后在上面播了种。

    Men mowed the wide lawns and seeded them.


  • 男人们松树树荫下折叠草坪

    Men set up folding tables and lawn chairs in the shade of giant pine trees.


  • 尽管有持续阵雨草坪亭子里还是挤满仰慕者

    Despite persistent rain showers, the lawn and pavilion were packed with fans.


  • 他们不想自己坐在草坪时被着看所以修筑高墙

    They didn't want people staring at them as they sat on the lawn, so they put up high walls.


  • 克伦先生男孩子他们手提箱留在了派克先生草坪

    Mr. Crenshaw deposited the boys and their suitcases on Mr. Peck's lawn.


  • 首先高跟鞋非常适合使草坪通气。

    First, heels are excellent for aerating lawns.


  • 扇面朝院子窗户可以瞥见草坪

    One of the windows looking upon the courtyard gave also a glimpse of the lawn.


  • 看看什么正在穿过草坪

    Look what's comin' across th' grass.


  • 甚至戴着卡地亚赤脚走在草坪洒水器

    She even wore Cartier walking barefoot under the lawn sprinkler.


  • 坐落127英亩修剪整齐草坪

    It sits on 127 acres of well-trimmed lawns.


  • 草坪是谁?

    Who's going to mow the lawn?


  • 草坪草该割了

    The lawn needs mowing.


  • 所有大树绿色草坪以及高大石柱建筑

    All the big trees, the green lawns, and the old buildings with tall columns.


  • 没有什么草坪中央凝视夜空快乐了。

    There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland, staring at the night sky.


  • 穿过草坪了墙边常春藤的的步行道。

    He crossed the lawn and turned into the Long Walk by the ivied walls.


  • 入口分成三个长度相同部分中间草坪

    It is divided into three parts of the same length by three entrances with a lawn in the center.


  • 他们一起阳光辛勤地工作,大约小时就割完了整个草坪

    Together they worked hard in the sun and finished mowing the whole lawn in about two hours.


  • 马斯克设想机器至少胡萝卜洗车修剪草坪的帮手。

    Musk's imagined machine, at least someone to chop the carrots, wash the car and mow the lawn.


  • 2012年初一个团队多佛博物馆罗马草坪开始制造艘船

    A small team began to make the boat at the start of 2012 on the Roman Lawn outside Dover museum.


  • 有些从解冻土地中探出头来,没有草坪可以播种也没有花园可以照料

    Some flowers are peeking out of the thawing ground, but there is no lawn to seed, nor garden to tend.


  • 寻找绿色空间并不总是那么容易可能需要工作家里种出草坪树木

    Finding green space is not always easy, and you may have to work a bit to get your family a little grass and trees.


  • 一边是林立的为公务员修建公寓,它们奢华厨房埋入茂盛草坪洒水系统

    On one side stand new apartment buildings for civil servants, with luxury kitchens and a sprinkler system embedded in the lush lawn.


  • 一边是林立的为公务员修建公寓,它们奢华厨房埋入茂盛草坪洒水系统

    On one side stand new apartment buildings for civil servants, with luxury kitchens and a sprinkler system embedded in the lush lawn.


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