• 认为自己不配得到大家赋予荣誉

    He considered himself unworthy of the honour they had bestowed on him.


  • 哈佛大学授予荣誉学位

    Harvard awarded him an honorary degree.


  • 获得很多荣誉其中包括奥斯卡奖。

    He was showered with honours – among them an Oscar.


  • 他因1943年勇敢行为获得荣誉勋章

    He won the Medal of Honor for his actions in 1943.


  • 牛津大学 2001 年授予荣誉学位

    An honorary degree was conferred on him by Oxford University in 2001.


  • 总是一种毫无希望、不切实际荣誉法典里。

    He has always lived his life by a hopelessly quixotic code of honour.


  • 按照最高军事荣誉埋葬,死后被授予勋章

    He was buried with full military honours and posthumously awarded a Purple Heart.


  • 种姓制度的定义源于通过个人生活方式而获取的社会荣誉

    Caste is defined primarily by social honour attained through personal lifestyle.


  • 埃尔加获得了很多荣誉欢呼但是常常自己看成一个失败者

    Elgar received many honours and much acclaim and yet he often considered himself a failure.


  • 美国授予了二战期间的英国首相温斯顿·丘吉尔爵士荣誉公民的称号。

    The United States bestowed honorary citizenship upon England's World War II prime minister, Sir Winston Churchill.


  • 现在为止那些基本是基于荣誉制度,也就是购买者贩售者保证他们可以合法购买武器

    Until now, those guns have been sold primarily on an honour system, wherein the purchasers ensure the sellers they are legally entitled to buy firearms.


  • 荣誉我的衣着之间对比令人愉快的!

    There'd be a merry contrast betwixt my glory and my raiment!


  • 荣誉学位通常授予艺术商业政治领域学术领袖

    Honorary degrees are often conferred on non-academic leaders in the arts, business, and politics.


  • 希腊人荣誉道德使他们不会采取偷袭的方式吗?

    Was it just the Greek sense of honor and propriety that kept them from doing a sneak attack?


  • 最后出名了,应邀出国得到了外国大学许多荣誉

    Finally she became so famous that she was invited abroad and received many honors from foreign universities.


  • 提供了培训经验银行来说也是一种荣誉

    It's an honor for the bank, too, for the training and experience it's given you.


  • 心想校运会中获胜这样就可以班级带来荣誉

    I wanted to win in the sports meeting with every fibre of my being so that I could bring honor to my class.


  • 如今同时家企业提供咨询自由职业服务一种荣誉

    Today, consulting or freelancing for five businesses at the same time is a badge of honor.


  • 可能想知道作为一个总司令如何赢得这么荣誉的。

    You may be wondering how I have won so many honors as a commander in chief.


  • 银行来说,这也是一种荣誉因为提供培训经验

    But it's an honor for the bank, too, for the training and experience it's given you.


  • 无知面前谦卑的,这其中有着我的荣誉我的报酬

    I am humble before my ignorance and therein lies my honor and my reward.


  • 赫德福勋爵耳边低声:“凭着你的信仰荣誉真诚地回答!”

    He said, in a low tone, at Lord Hertford's ear, "Answer me truly, on thy faith and honour!"


  • 事实上,睡眠的重要性严重低估以至于睡得更已经成为一种荣誉

    As it is, sleep is so undervalued that getting by on fewer hours has become a badge of honor.


  • 他们学校表现很好,有机会还会参加荣誉课程而且有些人甚至跳了

    They all did well in school and took honors classes when available, and some skipped grades.


  • 这样下去马上根五节的长杆,奇形怪状的花边荣誉勋章

    An' this go on, I shall presently be hung like a very maypole with fantastic gauds and make-believe honours.


  • 有时设计获得荣誉建筑杂志中刊登。

    Sometimes his designs received honourable mentions, and were reproduced in architectural journals.


  • 该奖设立于1902年,作为特别荣誉杰出的男士女士

    The award was established in 1902 as a special distinction for eminent men and women.


  • 属于我们队的全体队员们。

    The honor belongs to all the member of our team.


  • 必须在前五名才能赢得这项荣誉

    He would have to finish in the top 5 to win that honor.


  • 室后面有一块“荣誉墙”的黑板。

    There was a Wall of Fame board at the back of the classroom.


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