White conned his way into a job as a warehouseman with Dutch airline, KLM.
For more information of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Scholarship, please click here.
Air France-KLM group surged 2.5 percent as Citigroup Inc. recommended the shares.
Cardiff International Airport is served by KLM to Amsterdam which has convenient connection to many other cities in the world.
Several airlines, including KLM and Lufthansa, have expressed anger that the decision to ground flights appears to have been taken solely on the basis of a computer simulation.
这些航空公司包括荷兰皇家航空KLM (0871 222 7474 klm.com )和BMIBaby 航空公司( bmibaby.com )。
Airlines include KLM (0871 222 7474, klm.com) and BMI Baby (bmibaby.com).
James Gray was fined 600 euros by KLM after the incident on an Edinburgh to Amsterdam to flight, and was told he can't fly with them for five years.
荷兰皇家航空(KLM)和法国航空(Air France)等欧洲航空公司上周末进行了40多次测试,其初步结果表明,安全风险要低于计算机模型所给出的水平。
Early results of 40-odd test flights conducted over the weekend by European airlines, such as KLM and Air France, had suggested safety risks were less than the computer models had indicated.
荷兰皇家航空(KLM)和法国航空(Air France)等欧洲航空公司上周末进行了40多次测试,其初步结果表明,安全风险要低于计算机模型所给出的水平。
Early results of 40-odd test flights conducted over the weekend by European airlines, such as KLM and Air France, had suggested safety risks were less than the computer models had indicated.