• 是第一个获得这一奖项的中国人。

    He is the first Chinese who has won this prize.


  • 威尼斯电影节上,史泰龙获得一个特别奖项在致辞中阐述了电影背后思考

    Speaking at the Venice film festival, where he is receiving a special award, Stallone explained the thinking behind the movie.


  • 丹泽尔·华盛顿不仅仅一个卓越的奥斯卡奖项获得者。

    Denzel Washington is more than just an Oscar-winning superstar.


  • 伦敦出生戴维·德勒赢得了奥斯卡最佳原创剧本——当晚电影《国王的演讲》获得一个奖项

    London-born David Seidler won the Best Original Screenplay award - the film's first award of the night.


  • LotusSametime多年以来获得许多奖项确实证明了一点,一个多年以来没有任何主要架构更改产品会获奖

    Lotus Sametime has won many awards over the years, but it really makes a statement when a product that hasn't had any major architectural changes in years is still winning awards.


  • 这项民意调查一家保险公司委托开展,之前该公司获得简明英语运动组织”颁发一个奖项调查评选出的大不知所云语录还包括

    The rest of the top 10 in the poll, commissioned by an insurance company after it won an award from the Plain English Campaign, were


  • 抱歉不能亲自你们共度此刻,确信绝对精神上与你们同在,我也获得这样一个享有盛誉的奖项感到荣耀

    I 'm sorry I can't be with you in person, but please know that I am most definitely with you in spirit and honored to be receiving such a prestigious prize.


  • 1994年我们获得奖项实际上汉堡大学的第一个反病毒测试奖项,也是世界上的第一个反病毒测试奖项这些测试中我们获得了第一名。

    And in 94 we got the first awards - actually that was the first anti-virus tests in Hamburg University, the first anti-virus tests in the world, and in these tests we came first.


  • 科比刚刚获得体育运动最有意义奖项-最有价值球员,联盟一个充满传奇旅馆里把这个奖项颁发给了他。

    Kobe Bryant had just accepted the most meaningful, coveted most-valuable-player award of any sport, gripping it tight amid a hotel ballroom teeming with legends and love.


  • 马女士中国已经一个家喻户晓的明星获得许许多多的奖项执行中的最有声望场地

    Ma is already a star in China where she has received numerous awards and performs in the most prestigious venues.


  • 出生爱达荷州莫斯科市那儿第一流的军乐队女指挥,还曾经因为种出过一个轮廓杰米·杜兰特的变形马铃薯获得县里博览会奖项

    She was born in Moscow, Idaho, where she was a champion baton twirler and once won a county fair prize for growing a deformed potato that had the profile of Jimmy Durante.


  • 科比获得一个MVP奖项腼腆态度,他说没有听到联盟官方消息。

    Kobe Bryant tried to play it coy with his reaction to winning his first MVP award, saying he had yet to hear anything official from the league.


  • 如果申请工科专业恰好再最近获得工程奖项,一定要告诉学校

    If you are applying to an engineering program and recently won a prize or recognition, let the school know.


  • 认为二十多岁时获得最佳男新人’的奖项一个很宝贵开始

    I feel that just receiving the 'Best Newcomer' award during my twenties is a valuable start.


  • 之所以认为梦空间获得提名原因简单,那就是这部电影比较热门,能够得到奥斯卡的青睐。盗梦空间在这个奥斯卡的季节获得很多奖项(现在我们就一个奥斯卡最佳编辑奖吧)。

    The reason I think he will be nominated for his role in Inception is simple: the movie itself was better and created the kind of buzz a movie needs to create to carry it over into Oscar season.


  • 抱歉不能亲自你们共度此刻,确信绝对精神上与你们同在,我也获得这样一个享有盛誉的奖项感到荣耀。

    I'm sorry I can't be with you in person, but please know that I am most definitely with you in spirit and honored to be receiving such a prestigious prize.


  • 一个获得这一奖项动画片导演。

    He's the first producer of animated films to receive the award.


  • 阿根廷球星莱昂内尔。梅西获得今年欧洲足球金球奖,从而成为第六个被授予奖项巴塞罗那球员是2005获奖巴西球员罗纳德

    Argentina's Lionel Messi has won the Golden Ball awarded to the European Footballer of the Year, becoming the sixth Barcelona player to take the award and the first since Brazilian Ronaldinho in 2005.


  • 然而获得一些奖项一个认识认识你的人知道才能好方式

    Yet, winning awards is a way for people who know you, but especially those who don't know you, to find out about your talents.


  • 个人来看,马尔蒂尼、卡卡、因扎吉皮尔洛有资格获得,我不想去排顺序,来说他们有实力去获得这个奖项,我也相信他们中的一个获得金球奖

    Personally I think that Maldini, Kaká, Inzaghi and Pirlo are all worthy of winning it. I won't make a graduatory, but for me they all deserve it and I'm sure one of them will win it.


  • 获得了“中国绿色人物奖”,这是一个给对环保贡献普通人物奖项

    Five people won the "China's Green Figure" award, a title given to ordinary people for their contributions to environmental protection.


  • 我们进入这个中国市场已有六年时间,能在国际竞争对手的角逐中获得奖项代表一个非凡的里程碑

    We have been in the market for six years and this represents a remarkable milestone especially when set against all our global competitors.


  • 我们进入这个中国市场已有六年时间,能在国际竞争对手的角逐中获得奖项代表一个非凡的里程碑

    We have been in the market for six years and this represents a remarkable milestone especially when set against all our global competitors.


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