• 奶茶营养价值、口味多样具有清热解毒、消暑利功效

    The milky tea has high nutritive value, various flavors and has the efficacy of clearing heat and detoxicating and reliving summer heat and water retention.


  • 矿物质丰富营养价值排除长久废气功效格外显著

    The mineral quality enriches nourishment value Gao and shows Zhao towards expeling lasting long waste gas thing effect particularly.


  • 大豆蛋白质营养价值资源丰富原料成本

    The soy protein nourishment value is high, the resources are abundant, and material cost is low.


  • 茅草降低盐渍化土壤表层含盐量,营养价值

    Weeping Alkaligrass with high nutrient value can decrease the salt content of salinized soil surface.


  • 营养价值味觉不易变质深受人们欢迎

    Because its nutritional value is high, the sense of taste is good, is not easy to deteriorate, but the depth is welcome the people.


  • 大豆来源广营养价值鱼类主要蛋白质来源之一。

    The soybean sources are abundant, it's nutritional value is high, it is one of fish main protein source.


  • 产品不仅营养价值高风味独特而且还具有一定的保健作用

    The result showed that this vinegar product was rich in nutrition, tasted special flavor and had health function in addition.


  • 假种皮-龙眼营养价值高历史悠久知名的滋补食品

    Longans false seed peel-the flesh of Longan is the well known nutritious food with a long history.


  • 腐乳中国传统发酵豆制品具有营养价值高风味好等特点

    Fermented beancurd. is a traditional fermented soybean product in China with a pronounced flavour.


  • 大豆蛋白质营养价值氨基酸组成比例适宜必需氨基酸平衡良好

    The soybean protein has many good characters, such as high nutritional value, suitable amino acid constitution and good equilibrium of the essential amino acid.


  • 海藻罕见神奇食物之一,它不仅营养价值而且卡路里惊人

    Seaweed is one of those so-rare wonder foods that while being high in nutrition also happen to be spectacularly low in calories.


  • 脱水蔬菜食用方便营养价值高容易贮存长途运输市场前景广阔

    The dehydrated vegetable is a convenient, nutritious food, it is easy to be stored and transported for long distance, thus its future market is prosperous.


  • 一种大型野生绿藻来源丰富营养价值已经广泛的应用

    Enteromorpha is marine green algae. It has been used widely because of its high nutritional value and rich sources.


  • 两用稻草营养价值,其蛋白含量达7.56%,同时木质素等消化障碍因素较低

    The nutrient content of the straw is high. The crude proteincontent of the strow is 7.56%, and the gastricism factor of cellulose(lignin)islower.


  • 不过健康饮食减小粉刺发生。营养价值富含矿物质食物身体皮肤非常有帮助。

    However, eating healthy foods can reduce the impact of acne. Foods that are high in nutritious value and minerals are great for your body and skin.


  • 很多饮食指南极力推荐粗粮因为营养价值,富含维生素b1

    Whole grains are also widely recommended in many dietary guidelines because they contain high levels of nutrients like zinc, copper, manganese, iron and thiamine.


  • 酱油作为每个家庭必备的调味品一种营养价值许多保健功能优秀传统食品

    Soy sauce as each family essential condiment, is a high nutritional value, and there are many health care function of excellent traditional foods.


  • 花粉蜂蜜蔗糖、小曲酒进行勾兑得到营养价值高风味独特蜂花保健酒

    Then bee pollen health wine of rich nutritions and special taste could be produced through adequate blending of lixiviating solution with honey, sugarcane and Xiaoqu liquor.


  • 介绍了牡丹花酒工艺流程产品不仅营养价值,风味独特而且具有一定的保健作用

    The process of making peony liquor was introduced, the product has not only high nutritive value and special flavor, but also health function.


  • 介绍柿叶工艺流程产品不仅营养价值,风味独特而且具有一定的保健作用

    This paper reports the process of making persimmon leaf tea liquor, the product has not only high nutritive value and special flavor, but also health function.


  • 红枣保健酒不仅营养价值,风味独特而且具有保健作用适合人们保健需要新型饮品

    Red date health wine, which not only has higher nutritive value and special flavor, but also has health function, is a kind of new-type beverage that can meets the needs of people.


  • 介绍香菇保健酒工艺流程产品不仅营养价值,风味独特而且具有一定的保健作用

    This paper reports the process of making mushroom liquor, the product has not only high nutritive value and special flavor, but also health function .


  • 介绍了配制型柿子生产工艺,产品不仅营养价值风味独特而且具有一定的保健作用

    This paper reports the processing technology of concocting persimmon liquor, the product has not only-high nutritive value and special flavor, but also health function.


  • 介绍了泡制柿子生产工艺产品不仅营养价值,风味独特而且具有一定的保健作用

    This paper reports the processing technology of soaking persimmon liquor, the product, has not only high nutritive value and special flavor, but also health function.


  • 介绍天然酱油工艺生产流程产品不仅营养价值,风味独特而且还具有一定的保健作用

    This paper reports the process of making natural iodine soy sauce. The product has not only high nutritive value and special flavor but also health function.


  • 确定了以水解蛋白为基料制备风味调料最适配方,产品具有营养价值海鲜风味浓郁特点

    The optimum recipe of condiment made on the basis of hydrolyzed fish protein was determined, and the product had characters of high nutrition and intense delicious seafood flavor.


  • 介绍仙人掌灵芝保健酒工艺流程产品不仅营养价值,风味独特而且具有一定的保健作用

    This paper reports the process of making cactus and Ganoderma Lucidum healthy wine, the product, has not only high nutritive value and special flavor but also health function.


  • 美国顶级西牛扒选用美国独特方式饲养牛为原料肉质柔嫩营养价值高富有香醇牛肉风味

    U. S. A. top the west cold beef steak select for use U. S. A. unique way raise ox raw materials, its meat is tender, nutrition is costly, rich and aromatic beef flavor.


  • 不但营养价值,而且还具有多种药用功效,营养专家誉为2 1世纪具有前途绿色食品之一

    It was so high in both nutritional value and medical value that it was considered as one of the most prospective green food in 21 century.


  • 大豆蛋白营养价值、资源丰富、原料成本低,并且还与食品嗜好性、加工性等各种功能性质相关联

    Soybean protein are extensively used for processed food and traditional Chinese foods because of their functional properties and high nutritional value.


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