• 汽车公司于是就接管萨博汽车

    Pang Da Automobile agreed to take an equity stake in the company.


  • 萨博汽车经销商目前正推出高档样品车无人陪同的24小时试驾活动。

    Saab dealers are currently giving away unaccompanied 24-hour test drives in posh demonstrator models.


  • 萨博汽车新的东家庞大青年汽车将会继通用福特之后开始一段冒险的旅程。

    Saab’s new owners Pang Da and Youngman have an advantage over GM and Ford.


  • 芝加哥城市新闻社犯罪报道记者通用电气公共关系撰稿人甚至还萨博汽车推销员

    He was a crime reporter for the Chicago City News Bureau, a PR writer for General Electric, even a Saab car salesman.


  • 投标人三个不同国家认为最有可能买家萨博汽车具名消息来源萨博主人通用汽车(GM)。

    Three bidders from three different countries are said to be the most likely buyers for Saab Automobile, according to an unnamed source with Saab's owner, General Motors (GM).


  • 不幸的是,宗收购久拖不决,带来各种风险不确定因素阻碍我们成功实施新的萨博汽车商业计划,”公司

    "Unfortunately, delays in closing this acquisition have resulted in risks and uncertainties that prevent us from successfully implementing the new Saab Automobile business plan," the company said.


  • 一点可以添加多达萨博独特性制造商创建一个路线萨博汽车零部件,可以帮助萨博车主喜欢采取的独特性边缘

    One thing that could add up to Saab's uniqueness is that its manufacturers had come up to create a line of Saab auto parts that could help out Saab owners like you take uniqueness to the edge.


  • 通用汽车公司大约4亿美元获得萨博50%的股份

    General Motors acquired a 50% stake in Saab for about $400m.


  • 对于通用汽车来说,避免关闭萨博成本即使优先股不会带来收益,通用也也会获得少量但是有用的现金。

    As for GM, it is avoiding the costs of closing Saab down and is getting a small but useful pot of cash-even if its preference shares bring in nothing.


  • 找到悍马土星品牌买主之后,通用汽车又签下合约旗下萨博公司出售给科尼塞克公司。 科尼塞克总部设在瑞典是一家小型的的高性能汽车制造商

    After finding buyers for its Hummer and Saturn brands, General Motors entered an agreement to sell its Saab division to Koenigsegg, a tiny maker of high-performance cars based in Sweden.


  • 公司可能逃脱萨博车迷通用汽车管理不善导致公司业绩下滑愤怒

    The firm may also escape the fury of Saab’s many fans who rightly blamed GM’s mismanagement for the firm’s decline.


  • 公司可能逃脱萨博车迷通用汽车管理不善导致公司业绩下滑的愤怒

    The firm may also escape the fury of Saab's many fans who rightly blamed GM's mismanagement for the firm's decline.


  • 周三青年汽车的总裁庞彩萍公司将会一切可能拯救萨博。”

    Youngman director Rachel Pang said on Wednesday the company will do "everything they can" to support Saab's survival. She told Swedish news agency TT Youngman still wants to buy Saab.


  • 例如萨博重要汽车新款9 - 5生产,原计划德国russelsheim市建厂,或许迁至瑞典就业机会不足的Trollhattan市?

    Might, for example, production of Saab's biggest car, the new 9-5, scheduled to be built at russelsheim in Germany, be shifted to under-employed Trollhattan in Sweden?


  • 还有那些陷入财政困局的公司出产的汽车同样也难以保值,克莱斯勒百灵萨博9 - 3。

    And autos made by companies that are experiencing financial problems — like Chrysler's Sebring and Saab's 9-3also have trouble retaining value.


  • 9 - 5车型非常漂亮的一汽车萨博工程师渴望这个机会表明他们通用手中解放出来可以什么

    Its new 9-5 is a good-looking car and Saab's engineers are relishing the chance to show what they can do when liberated from the dead hand of GM.


  • 通用集团依然拥有萨博优先股而且瑞典汽车提供重要零部件

    S. group still has preference shares in Saab and has supplied the Swedish auto brand with crucial components.


  • 庞彩萍决绝回答如果青年汽车成为瑞典汽车旗下萨博的小股东。

    Pang declined to answer if Youngman would consider becoming a minority owner in Saab, owned by Swedish Automobile.


  • 拟议萨博拯救法案已经通用公司批准。 通用集团依然拥有萨博优先股而且瑞典汽车提供重要零部件

    The proposed rescue deal for Saab had to be approved by GM since the U.S. group still has preference shares in Saab and has supplied the Swedish auto brand with crucial components.


  • 通用汽车很多部门一样,萨博劳动力成本以及汇率品牌声誉方面面临的挑战限制业务计划

    Like many GM divisions, Saab's high labor costs and challenges related to currency exchange and brand reputation constricted the business plan.


  • 通用汽车很多部门一样,萨博劳动力成本以及汇率品牌声誉方面面临的挑战限制业务计划

    Like many GM divisions, Saab's high labor costs and challenges related to currency exchange and brand reputation constricted the business plan.


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