• 鲍里斯落后所有顶尖选手

    Boris is falling behind all the top players.


  • 消费结构调整落后了。

    The restructuring of the pattern of consumption also lagged behind.


  • 我们需要我们这个落后国家加快变革步伐。。

    We need to accelerate the pace of change in our backward country.


  • 假如管理人员未能利用机会建立关系网他们就有落后危险

    If executives fail to exploit the opportunities of networking they risk being left behind.


  • 科技快速发展意味着现在已经远远落后需要再训练

    The rapid development of technology means that she is now far behind, and will need retraining.


  • 谦虚使前进骄傲落后

    Modesty helps one go forward while pride makes one fall behind.


  • 落后地方变成工业中心

    The backward place has changed into an industrial centre.


  • 这个落后地方变成工业中心

    The backward place has changed into an industrial center.


  • 虚心使进步骄傲使落后

    Modesty helps one to go forward [make progress]; conceit makes one lag behind.


  • 谦虚使进步骄傲落后

    Modesty helps one go forward while pride makes one fall behind.


  • 因此他们落后其他学科

    As a consequence, they lag behind other disciplines.


  • 谦虚否则就要落后

    Be modest, otherwise you will lag behind.


  • 谦虚谨慎永不落后

    Be modest and prudent, never lag behind!


  • 这个地区教育落后某种程度归咎于师资缺乏

    The backwardness of education in this area is, in some degreedue to the lack of qualified teachers.


  • 西班牙家庭继续落后他们计算机拥有率也在提升。

    Hispanic households continued to lag behind, but their rate of computer ownership was expanding as well.


  • 只要我们忽视这些方面中的任何一个,孩子发展就会落后

    If we neglect any of these areas, the child's development lags.


  • 教育政策中心引用数据显示美国各州男孩阅读方面落后女孩

    The Center on Education Policy cites data showing that boys lag girls in reading in every American state.


  • 活动家警告说,英国政府防止左撇子学生落后同龄人方面做得不够

    Campaigners have warned that the British government is not doing enough to prevent left-handed pupils from falling behind their peers.


  • 加拿大总体排名第三力量上排名第26落后古巴布隆迪

    Canada ranked third overall but 26th in power, behind countries such as Cuba and Burundi.


  • 学校几乎没有采取什么措施缓解许多接受采访孩子落后表现出的焦虑

    Schools do very little to ease the anxiety about falling behind expressed by many of the children interviewed.


  • 人们合理正当理由担心美国这些基本学科落后其他许多发达国家。

    There is considerable and justified concern that the United States is falling behind much of the rest of the developed world in these essential disciplines.


  • 许多中国妈妈担心自己孩子落后同班同学,所以这些妈妈就变成了”。

    Many Chinese mothers are afraid that their children will fall behind their classmates, so these mothers are becoming "tiger mothers".


  • 为了帮助落后其他同学学生我们老师保罗因为连续几周过度辛劳压力而累垮了。

    In order to help those students who fall behind other classmates, our teacher Paul is burnt out from weeks of overworking and stress.


  • 联队上半场结束时以0:2落后

    United were trailing 2–0 at half-time.


  • 战斗落后大约小时打响了

    The fighting broke out about two hours after sundown.


  • 民意测验中保守党的支持率落后于工党。

    The Conservatives are trailing Labour in the opinion polls.


  • 这个机构华盛顿闭塞落后地方。

    This agency will be relegated to the backwaters of Washington.


  • 公司是广为人知个人电脑领域技术落后

    The company has developed a reputation as a technological laggard in the personal-computer arena.


  • 该州高中仍旧教育封闭落后之所,辍学率上升

    The state's high schools remain an educational backwater where dropout rates are rising.


  • 离终场还有分钟我们以0:2落后随后我们进球了。谁还说不定呢!

    We were losing 2–0 with ten minutes to go, and then we scored. It was game on!


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