The muddle through economy would be more susceptible to recession.
Wall Street wants to make its own rules again — and could get away with it.
I can't believe a lazy guy like him could get by in this contest. I think it's unfair.
The muddle is not helped by America's growing eagerness to find a quick way out of Afghanistan.
This mistake is too big. I don't think there is any way we can smooth it over. The boss is sure to notice.
First you cheat, by throwing out two pieces of paper, but soon you will have to move to big stuff.
The passenger declared that he had lost his ticket, but the inspector suspected that he was trying it on, and that actually he had not paid for fare.
His method was always the same: using high-flown rhetoric and obscure language while dissembling and faking his way through life.
Thankfully the children haven't clocked onto that yet, but the day is fast-approaching when they will and I've no idea what I'll do then, just muddle through, I suppose.
But it isn't a foolproof solution, as young carp might still be able to slip through the leaky structures.
Don't be surprised if they start sliding on their commitments once they look at their poll ratings.
I thought it's would thunder many. But let me feel accident that it's not give one to passed off.
If you are trying to do just enough to get by then all it takes is one bad exam and you are now failing the course.
With luck, another stimulus package will not be necessary. America will overcome its current economic woes and Europe will muddle through.
They can muddle, stir, shake, and strain, and are preloaded with 30 spirits and 21 mixers, as well as a selection of garnishes.
But you can also get away with not using one or using your existing infrastructure and it will all still work.
Since most of us can guess that Dr. Root-Bernstein will not take legal actions, Dr. Fang would get a free ride again.
Later that adding milk to some kind of chemical raw materials (melamine), can increase the detection of protein targets, you can muddle through.
Let's look at the definitions here, to deceive by trickery, well that's got nothgin to do with drinking or drinking vessels.
For the moment, therefore, the most likely outcome is neither collapse nor a dash towards integration, but for the euro zone to muddle through.
Charles tried to fake out the teacher by handing in his book as though he had done the work.
In his 1999 study of high school students, Feldman found that nonverbal signals were crucial in determining who got away with telling lies.
In his 1999 study of high school students, Feldman found that nonverbal signals were crucial in determining who got away with telling lies.