While the wheat sown area is stable, the sown area of maize and cotton fluctuated greatly and the area of vegetable has increased constantly.
The area and yield of protected vegetables production have exceeded consumer demand in Hebei province. Vegetable transported from other region has induced more and more pressure to local market.
The 1, 100 sq ft garden will grow some 50 fruits and vegetables for use in the White House kitchen.
The 1,100 sq ft garden will grow some 50 fruits and vegetables for use in the White House kitchen.
The nutntional value of pumpkin, balsam pear, onion and carrots is abundant. These vegetables are planted in a very large area in our country.
The cucumber is one of main vegetable crops which in the sunlight greenhouse plants and takes up the 60% of the greenhouse vegetables area.
Vegetables, watermelon and other comparative advantages of industrial plant area of 1 million mu.
The second part, briefly introduce the area and fertilization presently of field grain, industrial crop, especially the vegetables in Wuhan.
Water saving study concerning vegetable cultivation is showing more and more importance with the ever increase of vegetable growing area.
Shandong is a traditional area to produce vegetable, since 1991, the area, yield and the production value of the vegetable in Shandong always first in the whole country.
Based on these results, we put forward following adjustment measures: (1) reduce the grain crop especially the highland barley and wheat, enhance the vegetable and fruit.
The familial per capita average agrarian area and the workforce affected the farmer to adopt the vegetable technology in plastic shelter too.
The severe drought has left more than 93,000 hectares of cropland in the town unproductive, about 30 percent of the total planted area, and also pushed up vegetable prices by 40 percent.
The planting areas for sugar crops and cotton declined. The planting areas for oil - bearing crops and vegetables increased.
It is urgent need to develop fertilization technology for address the expertise and guidance through effective means to disseminate large summer anti-season vegetable production.
Brassica is the most important and one of the largest genera, consisting of more than 300 families, of Crucifer ae plants.
The planting areas for sugar crops and cotton declined. The planting areas for oil-bearing crops and vegetables increased.
目前园区森林覆盖面积已达到13平方公里,有机果园2000亩,绿 色蔬菜种植区1000 亩。
At present the forest covers 13 sq. km, organic garden covers 2000 mu, green vegetables planting area covers 1000 mu.
So the area of food crops decreased but the vegetables and cash crops planting area increased.
Open-field vegetable and facilities for vegetable planting area 5 mu, total output of 100,000 tons.
Zhang Lishan stands on a ridge of dirt tending a small vegetable garden surrounded by pools of stagnant, stinking water.
Zhang Lishan stands on a ridge of dirt tending a small vegetable garden surrounded by pools of stagnant, stinking water.