• 他们做了看是否有缺乏维生素迹象

    They did blood tests on him for signs of vitamin deficiency.


  • 所有捐献要进行艾滋病病毒其他传染病病毒检测

    All donated blood is tested for HIV and other infections.


  • 感到脸上下来。我不知道自己是不是昏过去了。

    I could feel blood draining from my face. I wondered whether I was about to black out.


  • 上次见到那位女化妆师时候正不停地往杰里米·福克斯身上涂抹

    The makeup woman had been daubing mock blood on Jeremy Fox when last he'd seen her.


  • A饮食包括更多蔬菜

    A diet for people with type A blood includes more vegetables.


  • 教训使我们头脑清醒了。

    The lessons learned at the cost of blood helped to sober us.


  • 绷带上渗出来。

    Blood started from the bandage.


  • 来到船时,首先看到的竟是

    When she reached the other boat, the first thing she saw was a pool of blood!


  • 开始偷偷地汤姆脸颊上眼睛沉默不语。

    The red blood began to steal up into Tom's cheeks, and he dropped his eyes and was silent.


  • 显然是在记》一些形象角色主题来源

    He's obviously been asking her about the sources of some of the images and characters and themes in Wise Blood.


  • 两个沙哑声音,在寂静的夜晚同时发出了可怕的声音:“!”

    Two hoarse whispers delivered the same awful word simultaneously to the brooding night: "Blood!"


  • 大为吃惊的,这个可怜的坐在地板上,脸色苍白,右手大量流着

    To her great surprise, the poor man was there sitting on the floor, his face was pale and a lot of blood was running on his right hand.


  • 选择玫瑰而久之就变成手上蚊子玫瑰会变成嘴角粒未掉的饭粒。

    Select red rose over time will become the hands of mosquito blood, and a white rose will not sweeping movements out of the cooked rice into the mouth.


  • 现在有些父母选择保存脐带冷冻起来某个地方,以防日后孩子有用

    Some parents now are choosing to save the cord blood, have it frozen, locked away somewhere just in case it is useful to their child later in life.


  • 必须整夜歌唱必须穿你的心的生命之必须我的成为液。

    All night long you must sing to me, and my thorn must pierce your heart, and your life-blood must flow into my veins, and become mine.


  • 文章确实一针见

    Her articles certainly don't pull any punches.


  • 受害者流了很多

    The victims were bleeding copiously.


  • 抓出

    I'd scratched my leg and it was bleeding.


  • 医生止不住

    Doctors couldn't stop the bleeding.


  • 西蒙看见夏普浸透的制服时,一下子就白了。

    Simon's face blanched as he looked at Sharpe's blood-drenched uniform.


  • 国际货币基金组织所作的一次一针见演讲中,敦促第三世界国家进行全面改革

    In a hard-hitting speech to the IMF, he urged Third World countries to undertake sweeping reforms.


  • 院也找不到与女孩相同型的

    The hospital also couldn't find the same type of blood for the girl.


  • 后,男孩问母亲:“妈妈,我还能活多久?”

    After transferring his blood, the boy asked his mother, "Mom, how long can I live from now on?"


  • 果你流一点是不会死的。

    You won't die if you lose a little blood.


  • 从我们搬到这里,我父亲献过很多次了。

    My father has donated blood many times since we moved here.


  • 一块干净的布压在伤口上,直到没有为止。

    Put pressure on the cut with a clean cloth until there is no blood.


  • 快,翅膀上布满着,之后绚丽多彩的蝴蝶展翅高飞。

    Soon, the wings fill with blood, and the beautiful, colorful butterfly spreads its wings and flies away.


  • 他到浴室时,他发现母亲躺在浴缸里,头上还流着

    When he got to the bathroom, he found his mother lying in the bathtub with blood coming from her head.


  • 孩举起双臂,高兴地说:“那么,请把我的一半给我的妹妹!”

    The boy lifted his arms and said happily, "Well, please give half of my blood to my little sister!"


  • 伦明白了,她的儿子原以为他流了一点不久后就会死去。

    Karen understood that her son had thought he would die soon after he lost some of his blood.


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