It is a habit that leads to art pollution, "says Marina Abramovic, America's most famous performance artist."
Zhu Ming is one the most important performance artists of the avantgarde.
There, prowling the cocktail circuit like Steppenwolf, was judge Zhang Huan, a performance artist who divides his time between New York and Shanghai.
The singer and performance artist could barely be seen inside the enclosure, apart from the occasional wave of a black-gloved hand.
She is in her kitchen, which occupies one prong of a star-shaped house with walls that are full of Windows but free of art.
Gao Feng started his career in 1997 as a performance artist and then naturally chose to move into painting as a different medium to explore in the mature phase of his career.
Last year, I was introduced to Chinese Performance Artists in Soeul. And soon, I will participate in Malaysia's Performance Art Festival. At the same…
The post was repasted in numerous BBSes and attention is drawn to the status of the seller---is he a football fan or a performance artist?
求学期间她还曾跟随电影人、行为艺术家克里斯托夫•施林根基夫学习和工作, 并参与他导演的多部大型行为装置艺术作品的创作和表演。
There, she also studied and worked with the film maker and action artist Christoph Schlingensief, participating inseveral of his large-scale video performance installations.
Behavior art spreads to China from the West, not only widened the Chinese artist's field of vision, moreover has developed the artistic creation space greatly.
That is the China artist Yuchuan Pan's performance art "watching" on going, and is the work of art of today's "interposition" project as well.
Therefore, for these artists it is natural to jump from one artistic genre to the other, from performance, to painting, or sculpture.
In 1995 she participated inthe performance "To Add One Meter to an Anonymous Mountain" which is consideredto be one of the classics of Chinese contemporary art.
Ms Abramovic's milestone performance, "the Artist is Present", had her sitting silently all day, every day from mid-March to the end of May in the atrium of the Museum of Modern Art in New York.
Ms Abramovic's milestone performance, "the Artist is Present", had her sitting silently all day, every day from mid-March to the end of May in the atrium of the Museum of Modern Art in New York.