• 表演先于11月英国格拉斯哥召开联合国气候变化大会之前举办,一次开创性的行动呼吁

    The performance was a creative call to action ahead of November's United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, UK.


  • 必须超越卫生部门教育运输就业以及法律司法领域发出行动呼吁

    A call for action must reach beyond the health sector into areas such as education, transport, employment, and legal and judicial frameworks.


  • 美国国会图书馆馆长詹姆斯比·林顿阁下发出行动呼吁所有美国人。

    Librarian of Congress James H. Billington has issued a call to action to all Americans.


  • 行动呼吁进一步加强了世卫组织协助低收入国家提供精神卫生保健全球行动规划

    The call for action further reinforces WHO's global action programme on assisting low - and middle-income countries in providing mental health care.


  • 秘书长发出行动呼吁之后,妇女儿童疾病负担沉重的40多个国家作出书面承诺

    More than 40 countries with the greatest burden of women's and children's ill health have made written commitments following the Secretary-General's call for action.


  • 不要电子邮件里“把前途埋葬掉飞尽快切中要点,然后一个行动呼吁结尾。”

    Make sure you don't "bury the lead" in your emails. Get to the point quickly and end with a call to action.


  • 此外发表一份行动呼吁”,在综合性癌症控制规划框架加强环境职业性癌症预防工作

    Furthermore, there will be a "Call to Action" to strengthen prevention of environmental and occupational cancers within the framework of comprehensive cancer control programmes.


  • 卫组织支持行动呼吁是为了在中低收入国家扩大针对精神疾患的精神卫生服务覆盖面

    WHO is supporting a call for action to increase the coverage of mental health services for mental disorders in low - and middle-income countries.


  • 想要讲一讲你们政策层面开展工作重要性行动呼吁阐明了将健康纳入城市各项政策主流原则

    Let me illustrate the importance of your work at the policy level, articulated in the Call for Action by the principle of mainstreaming health in all urban polices.


  • 北京介绍社区代表此前于2009年3月巴西里约热内卢控制结核伙伴论坛上发出行动呼吁

    A preceding call for action by community representatives coming out of the Stop TB Partners Forum in Rio DE Janeiro, Brazil, in March 2009, will also be presented in Beijing.


  • 今年八月第十六国际艾滋病会议上,我们30 000人应会议行动呼吁要求汇集多伦多

    In August this year, at the XVI International AIDS Conference, 30 000 of us came together in Toronto in reply to the Conference's call to action.


  • Cotton进行行动呼吁还说可能需要专门成立知识产权法庭,由在知识产权法方面有经验法官来主持。

    Special IP courts with judges experienced in IP law might need to be created, too, Cotton added, before concluding with a call to action.


  • 发现需要同一个版面上,加上几个不同类型的行动呼吁因为不同呼吁能在不同的顾客身上引起作用

    You may find that you will need to create several calls to action on one page as different triggers work on different customers.


  • 2009年5月5,世卫组织强调良好手部卫生患者医疗的极端重要性,并发出全球行动呼吁促使减少卫生保健有关感染

    On 5 May 2009, WHO will highlight the critical importance of good hand hygiene in patient care with a global call to action to help reduce health care-associated infections.


  • 社区教会领袖呼吁人们保持冷静不要采取报复行动

    Community and church leaders have appealed for calm and no retaliation.


  • 和他的10个同学成立了一个志愿者小组,呼吁人们加入“光盘行动”。

    Li, together with his 10 classmates made a volunteer group to call on people to join in The "Clean Your Plate Campaign".


  • 气候罢工”指的是人们离开工作或学校,呼吁人们采取更多行动保护环境。

    "Climate strike" refers to people leaving work or school to call for more action to protect the environment.


  • 陈述意见呼吁采取行动——你的观众知道想要他们什么

    State your recommendation or give your call to actionlet your audience know what you want them to do.


  • 知道人们听到鼓舞人心话语行动呼吁因为他们感觉很好;我这样认为。

    I understand people want to hear inspirational words and calls to action because it makes them feel good; I do too.


  • 不过除了说明需要绝对遵守IPCC质量管理程序以外,声明没有呼吁采取什么行动

    But the statement calls for no action beyond statinga need for absolute adherence to IPCC quality control processes.


  • 结论轻快句子优雅的退场容易记住想法或者引用语录或者有趣的反转逻辑,再或者一个行动呼吁

    Conclusion: Gracefully exit your essay by making a quick wrap-up sentence, and then end on some memorable thought, perhaps a quotation, or an interesting twist of logic, or some call to action.


  • 广告文案用户行动呼吁应该在用户需求企业目标之间有所平衡

    Your AD copy and call to action should balance the users' needs with your business objectives.


  • 德国外长表示反对军事行动以及呼吁更严厉制裁

    The German foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, also opposed military action and called for tougher sanctions.


  • 交易员欧盟央行ECB幕后积极行动呼吁20家买家二级市场购买葡萄牙国债

    Traders say the European Central Bank (ECB) acted aggressively behind the scenes, calling some 20 dealers to buy Portuguese debt in the secondary market.


  • 呼吁广告业采取行动

    She also called the actions of the advertising industry into question.


  • 我们谴责一切可能科索沃带来新的不稳定暴力行动呼吁有关各方保持克制,防止紧张局势进一步升级

    We condemn all violent actions that may bring new instability to Kosovo and urge relevant parties to exercise restraint to prevent the tension from escalating.


  • 我们谴责一切可能科索沃带来新的不稳定暴力行动呼吁有关各方保持克制,防止紧张局势进一步升级

    We condemn all violent actions that may bring new instability to Kosovo and urge relevant parties to exercise restraint to prevent the tension from escalating.


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