The administrative subject is the administrative one in the relationship of administrative laws.
There is an administrative legal relation between the users and public objects managers and builders.
Theories of the specific legal relationships mainly include administrative legal relationships, civil contract legal relationships and dual legal relationships.
行政法主体亦称行政法律关系主体,指行政法律关系中权利的享有者和义务的承担者。 它由参加行政法律关系的组织和个人构成。
The subject of administrative law is a basic element of administrative law relation and consists of all the organizations and individuals participate in administrative law relation.
行政法主体亦称行政法律关系主体,指行政法律关系中权利的享有者和义务的承担者。 它由参加行政法律关系的组织和个人构成。
The subject of administrative law is a basic element of administrative law relation and consists of all the organizations and individuals participate in administrative law relation.