• 昨晚暴乱持续之际街上险象环生。

    There were ugly scenes in the streets last night as rioting continued.


  • 街上闲逛,跟过路的人瞎扯

    He wandered the streets raving at passers-by.


  • 出租汽车缓慢行驶在街上招揽顾客。

    Taxis cruised the streets, looking for fares.


  • 夜里成帮结伙年轻人街上闲逛。

    Gangs of youths patrol the streets at night.


  • 男孩子自行车街上兜风。

    The boys were riding their bikes around the streets.


  • 下起来街上很快便空无一人

    The streets soon emptied when the rain started.


  • 街上无目的地到处游荡

    She wandered aimlessly around the streets.


  • 一直街上四处奔走寻找工作

    She's been tramping the streets looking for a job.


  • 音乐会结束乐迷涌到

    Fans emptied out onto the streets after the concert.


  • 光着脚孩子们街上闲逛

    Barefoot children roamed the streets.


  • 孩子街上玩耍消磨时间

    The children passed the time playing in the streets.


  • 5月他们街上跳舞,为胜利振奋

    In May they danced in the streets, buoyed by their victory.


  • 人们街上漫无目的地闲逛

    People wandered the streets aimlessly.


  • 米歇尔教堂位于太子港的街上

    The small church of San Michel is tucked away in a narrow back street of Port-au-Prince.


  • 舞者跳着希米舞。

    Dancers shimmied in the streets.


  • 昏倒小时便去世了

    He collapsed in the street and died two hours later.


  • 夜晚这些街上隐藏危险

    At night, danger lurks in these streets.


  • 毒品合法化毒品买卖从街上清除。

    Legalization of drugs would drive the drug-dealing business off the streets.


  • 不知怎的无一人。

    Mysteriously, the streets were deserted.


  • 他们机枪在街上扫射。

    They raked the streets with machine-gun fire.


  • 据说街上发生了肉搏战

    There was, reportedly, hand-to-hand combat in the streets.


  • 街上装甲车坦克

    There were armoured personnel carriers and tanks on the streets.


  • 街上到处挤满人群

    The streets were overflowing with the crowds.


  • 妓女公开街上拉客。

    Prostitutes solicited openly in the streets.


  • 街上挤满了支持者

    Supporters crammed the streets.


  • 低着,缩着肩膀漫无目的地街上走着

    He walked aimlessly along the street, head down and shoulders bowed.


  • 一个民意调查的女人拦住交谈。

    I was collared in the street by a woman doing a survey.


  • 犯罪率急剧上升似乎肯定了街上增加巡警论点

    The sharp increase in crime seems to buttress the argument for more police officers on the street.


  • 丢下安妮库珀商场游逛,自己回到街上

    She left Annie and Cooper looking around the shop and headed back onto the street.


  • 游人如鲫。

    The streets were teeming with tourists.


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