I get down to a certain card and I am stumped, so I will leave a space waiting for that card to appear on cue.
Other particles get bogged down, accumulating mass and becoming very heavy.
Near the giant quake's epicenter, 9 year old Lin Hao and his second grade class were also trapped.
If you do get stuck, step out of the car, which will likely stall when the water reaches the vehicle's electronic controls.
In the past, water has become trapped also, when lava flows hardened, and thus there are aquifers involved.
They called to each other, but the one was trapped, and the other couldn't do anything but follow and call.
Overnight, an early winter storm blanketed the ground with snow, blocking the mountain pass and trapping the Donner Party.
They were truly trapped now: There was no way out except through the door, and a horde of goblins seemed to be approaching on the other side.
Venus would normally go around the Sun in a counterclockwise orbit, but is stuck in front of it, between the Earth and Sun.
They watched the siege as a family. Raghuveer's son, 6, and daughter, 9, were told to stay inside, where they tended to gravitate toward the images constantly flickering on the screen.
Now, with water level rising to seven meters at its highest, large areas of farmland are now under water. Houses and shops have been submerged. And people stranded.
Moving Rational Test Projects could be very tricky and can become one of the most difficult tasks to perform if you get stuck.
In Monmouth County, N. J. , two passengers buses were stuck after stranded cars on ramps blocked the path of snow plows, a state police spokesman told NBC's "The Today Show."
They're trapped, they're traumatised, they're terrorised by this situation … The inhumanity of this situation, the lack of action to bring this to an end, is bewildering to them.
Somewhere along the line in one damn incarnation or another, if you like, you not only had a hankering to be an actor or an actress, but to be a good one. You're stuck with it now.
He had been stranded by the weather, which closed all roads around Jianhe for three days, and evidently had taken this chance (and his fee) to go on a festive bender around town.
Ifyou feel, "I didn't do it, it happened to me," you're stuck and you have to wait for something or someone outside of yourself to change — you become a victim.
If you feel, "I didn't do it, it happened to me," you're stuck and you have to wait for something or someone outside of yourself to change — you become a victim.
Jim Gartenberg, 35, a commercial real estate broker with an office on the 86th floor of 1 World Trade Center, kept calling his wife Jill to let her know he was O.K. but trapped.
If the driver gets stuck or frustrated, or if the navigator has a good idea he can't describe too well without typing, the current driver can give up control and be the navigator for a while.
If the driver gets stuck or frustrated, or if the navigator has a good idea he can't describe too well without typing, the current driver can give up control and be the navigator for a while.