• 巴克从来不自己被迫任何违背自己原则的事。

    Buck never allowed himself to be bullied into doing anything that went against his principles.


  • 任何破产的个人被迫第一件事放弃家当

    The first thing any insolvent private person is forced to do is relinquish the family silver.


  • 夏目漱石学院被迫肮脏工作

    Natsume hates the Academy and is forced to do its dirty work.


  • 沉迷被迫某事都会了原本好的生活

    Addictions and compulsions can ruin lives.


  • 由于公司裁员很多雇员被迫很多额外的工作

    As firms downsize, many employees are being forced to take on lots of extra work.


  • 佃户经常被迫一些下作的事满足地主低级趣味。

    Often the tenant had to commit degrading acts just to satisfy his landlord's whims.


  • 丽兹被迫损害控制一个粗鲁咆哮特雷西网上爆料。

    Liz is forced to do damage control when a rude and crude rant by Tracy leaks on the Internet.


  • 高兴了解到,这些不会被迫一些不可能瑜伽解剖位置

    It is nice to know that those cats weren't forced to do some anatomically impossible yoga positions.


  • 还有一种你们大部分人一样,被迫喜欢事情,因此拒绝他的工作。

    And there is the man in the other category, the man who, like most of you, is compelled to do something he dislikes and who resists it.


  • 志愿者一种愿意事情而非每天早班地铁上班那样的你被迫的事。

    Being a volunteer is a job you are willing to do, not something that you are forced to do, like crowding into the moring subway to the workplace everyday.


  • 宠坏孩子他们的家庭财富切断被迫不可思议的事情-份工作

    Threespoiled children who are cut off from their family fortune and forced to do theunthinkable - get a job.


  • 央行被迫火鸡上调通胀预期目标(不管是含蓄地还是明确的)反映现实情况吗?

    Will the central Banks be forced to "do a Turkey" and adjust their inflation targets upward (implicitly or explicitly) to reflect reality?


  • 仪式如果一个正常被迫不可避免地导致破裂肌腱-严重打破脊椎

    A ritual which if a normal person were forced to do would inevitably lead to the rupture of tendons - or more critically the breaking of the spine.


  • 活着被迫苦役。1973个加拿大官兵中的555个再也没有回来,活着的饱受折磨

    Alive, forced to do hard labor. 1973 Canadian officers and men of the 555 never came back alive afflicted.


  • 另一人写道。邮件语气表示,她们被迫某种确定事情感觉使深感不安。

    The tone of all three emails was of feeling forced into something they weren't sure about, and it made me feel acutely uncomfortable.


  • 北京17岁高中生(音)过去11年来一直被迫广播体操,但的过程中却从未流过一滴汗。

    Hu Yuan, a 17-year-old high school student in Beijing, has been forced to practice calisthenics for the past 11 years and has never broken a sweat doing this routine.


  • 西德同意支付两次战争之间债券利息赔偿那些声称被迫苦力的人们——这些声明只有西德东德合并后会生效。

    West Germany agreed to pay the interest on its interwar bonds and make compensation to claimants like those who were forced into labor - but only when it was reunited with East Germany.


  • 进化决定了代理人要求获得对价,它会要求特别的东西交换也许被迫一些违背自己天性的事。

    When evolution selects its agents, it does so at a cost. It makes demands in exchange for singularity. And you may be asked, to do something, against your very nature.


  • 如果热爱自己工作并且通过一些其他的事来增加收益因为这是你想的,而不是被迫做的,不想获得这种满足感呢?

    If you love your work AND you have something else that produces income, you have the satisfaction of going to your job because you want to, not because you have to. Who wouldn't want that scenario?


  • 这些海狸知道如何建造水坝而且需要的时候就会这么,比如它们砍伐消耗附近所有树木被迫迁移的时候。

    These beavers do know how to build dams, and do so if the need arises, as may occur if they are forced to relocate after felling and consuming all nearby trees.


  • 大家都忍受着死亡痛苦被迫一些令人难以理解差事

    Everybody rushing about on some incomprehensible errand someone forced him to do at pain of death.


  • 一旦供应这些资源小心翼翼保护着即便是在项目结束时这些资源也不会被释放除非用户被迫这样

    Once provisioned, these resources are jealously guarded and even when the project ends, the resources are typically not relinquished unless the users are forced to do so.


  • 公民被迫承担这样义务:防止事态扩大——因为经过训练,拿着工资,该理解防止事态扩大的警察们拒绝这样

    Citizens are forced to take on the onus of de-escalationbecause the people trained and theoretically paid to understand de-escalation refuse to.


  • 不仅仅被迫不好选项选择时是这样(比如在两种病里一个),而且我们在想要的东西里选择也是这样。

    This is true not only when forced to choose between two adverse options (such as selecting between two courses of medical treatment) but also when we are selecting between desirable alternatives.


  • Spherion Staffing美国项调查发现自从经济衰退开始以来,53%的员工被迫担负了额外的工作

    A survey in America by Spherion Staffing discovered that 53% of workers had been compelled to take on extra tasks since the recession started.


  • 任何这样出于胆怯,由于接受了拙劣的建议总是被迫一直把屠刀提手中

    Anyone who does otherwise, either out of timidity or because of bad advice, is always obliged to keep his knife in his hand.


  • 格雷特听到这些开始悲伤的哭泣但是这些没有用,她被迫邪恶巫婆的事情。

    When Grethel heard this she began to cry bitterly; but it was all useless, she was obliged to do as the wicked witch told her.


  • 他们宁愿编译这种事情,而不愿意被迫重复代码中输入变量的类型。

    They'd rather the compiler do the work than be forced to repeat themselves in their code.


  • 他们宁愿编译这种事情,而不愿意被迫重复代码中输入变量的类型。

    They'd rather the compiler do the work than be forced to repeat themselves in their code.


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