• 大家都忍受着死亡痛苦被迫一些令人难以理解差事

    Everybody rushing about on some incomprehensible errand someone forced him to do at pain of death.


  • 我们明显无懈可击证据摆在他们眼前,否则他们只是勉强被迫接受这种粒子

    It needed the most obvious and unassailable evidence to be presented before them before they were reluctantly forced to postulate a new particle.


  • 但是对于所有运货商来说索马里海盗威胁依旧增加了保险成本并且船只被迫进行昂贵绕道航行。

    But for all shippers, the threat of Somali piracy has nonetheless pushed up insurance costs and forced vessels to make expensive detours.


  • 到处寻找第28个春天到来终于明白一个秘密原来夜莺一无所有,命运永远被迫寻找。

    I look around, when the 28th spring comes; I know a secret at last: nightingale had nothing; its fate will always be forced to look for.


  • 财政大臣被迫狼狈承认经济政策存在失误。

    The Chancellor was forced into a humiliating climbdown on his economic policies.


  • 艺术家往往要不情愿被迫接受相机所提供证据

    Artists, often reluctantly, were forced to accept the evidence provided by the camera.


  • 我们被迫户外天寒环境下工作

    We were forced to work outside in freezing conditions.


  • 在损失数百生命他们士兵被迫灰溜溜撤退了。

    Their soldiers had to retreat ignominiously after losing hundreds of lives.


  • 我们保护濒危物种建立任何保护区都可能变得毫无用处因为这些生物被迫随着它们的自然栖息迁移

    Any preserves we set up to protect endangered species may become useless as the species are forced to migrate along with their natural homes.


  • 除非目前温室气体排放量下降,否则70%的企鹅——即110万对繁殖伴侣——被迫迁移它们繁殖或者它们会2100年前濒临灭绝。

    Unless current greenhouse gas emissions drop, 70 percent of king penguins—1.1 million breeding pairswill be forced to relocate their breeding grounds, or face extinction by 2100.


  • 波爱让:“除非目前温室气体排放下降,否则70%的企鹅,即110万对繁殖伴侣,被迫迁移它们繁殖或者它们会2100年濒临灭绝。”

    Le Bohec said: "Unless current greenhouse gas emissions drop, 70 percent of king penguins—1.1 million breeding pairs—will be forced to relocate their breeding grounds, or face extinction by 2100."


  • 由于考试成绩学业表现唯一评价标准因此学生被迫机械记忆不是创造性思考

    As the examination score is the only criterion for his academic performance, a student is driven to memorize mechanically rather than to think creatively.


  • 虽然总人口比例很小,但很大比例青年男子被迫迁出某一时,可能产生巨大影响

    Although a small proportion of the total population, this perhaps had a massive local impact when a large proportion of the young men were removed from an area.


  • 不知不觉回到最初被迫国王那些日子里说话的语调。

    He had unconsciously dropped back into the phraseology of the first days of his compulsory greatness.


  • 他们宁愿编译来做这种事情,而不愿意被迫重复代码中输入变量的类型。

    They'd rather the compiler do the work than be forced to repeat themselves in their code.


  • 长远来看,如果中国被迫较少依赖出口更多依靠国内消费,中国经济获益良多。

    If China was forced to depend less on exports and more on consumption it would gain in the long run.


  • 今年开年不久自从1987年以来一直统治突尼斯本 阿里、自1981年以来统治埃及穆巴拉克迅速——近乎不流血的——被迫出局

    Soon after the year began, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, who had ruled Tunisia since 1987, and Hosni Mubarak, ruler of Egypt since 1981, were rapidly—and almost bloodlesslyforced out of power.


  • 很多寻找收容他们是因为干旱造成农作物损失被迫离开

    Many of the asylum seekers also said they were forced to leave because of crop losses due to drought.


  • 所以身体本能被迫进行痉挛性咳嗽

    So involuntarily your body is forced into spastic coughing.


  • 波尔常常被迫不分良莠雇佣员工,因为愿意为了可怜的工资,每天公司坐在消毒一样的办公室里。

    Often, Ball was forced to hire just about anyone who walked in the door because few people were willing to commute to the call center and sit in a sterile cubicle for minimum wage.


  • 那些被迫又一遍复读孩子成绩没有提高,甚至还经常退学

    Kids who are simply forced to repeat grades over and over usually don't improve academically and often drop out.


  • 最终方银行不幸被迫进行改变

    Now change may finally be forced on the Landesbanken by adversity.


  • 首先很多卡车驾驶员被迫日夜不停驾驶因为他们雇主想赚更多利润。 第二,许多市民在酒后驾驶,一旦发生紧急情况他们的反应会比较迟缓。

    Firstly, many truck drivers are forced to drive days and nights with little rest simply because their employers desire more profit.


  • 如果避免一点,避免跟着需求变更不断被迫重写代码,那就请启用一个CCB或者类似东西。

    If you want to avoid this, along with having to constantly rewrite code to keep pace with the requirements changes, start a CCB or the equivalent.


  • 如果我们严格立场,“从不破坏现有代码”,那么我们被迫拒绝这项有用的功能

    If we were to take the strict position of "never break existing code," we would be forced to reject this useful new feature.


  • 几天我们发现了一处理想的着陆但是因为天气不好飞机被迫停飞。于是行动小组我们往北走,指引我们另一处可能的着陆

    We found a suitable location a few days ago but the flight was grounded because of bad weather, so the ops team asked us to push further north and pointed us to another possible site.


  • 我们清楚具体发生了什么,我们只是觉得自己很倒霉被迫下车沿着铁轨跌跌撞撞走着。

    We were not quite clear about what exactly happened, and we felt just unlucky that we had to get off to stumble along the rails.


  • 随着这些衍生贬值,美国国际集团发现自己资金严重匮乏,不得不被迫上周毕恭毕敬美联储求援。

    As the market value of these derivatives fell, the firm found itself strapped for capital, and was forced last weekend to approach the Fed, cap in hand.


  • 没有交流相比被迫交流对于无威胁情境无明显影响而且没有有效改进双方威胁组的情况

    Forced communication didn't have much effect on the 'no-threat' condition when compared with no communication, and neither did it improve the bilateral threat condition much.


  • 没有交流相比被迫交流对于无威胁情境无明显影响而且没有有效改进双方威胁组的情况

    Forced communication didn't have much effect on the 'no-threat' condition when compared with no communication, and neither did it improve the bilateral threat condition much.


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