• 鉴于妇女结婚就常常被迫放弃有报酬工作事实义务工作尤其重要

    Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage.


  • 近年来,他们中的许多被迫放弃游牧生活他们仍然主要依靠大自然他们提供食物衣服

    In recent years, many of them have been obliged to give up their nomadic lifestyle, but they continue to depend mainly on nature for their food and clothes.


  • 甚至密特朗也被迫放弃国有化,选择财政紧缩

    Even Mitterrand was forced to abandon nationalisation and embrace austerity.


  • 电视台担心他们被迫放弃其中一些频率段

    TV stations are worried that they will be forced to give up some of their frequencies.


  • 只眼睛从此失明这样被迫放弃成为外科医生梦想

    She became blind in that eye. So she was forced to give up her dreams of becoming a surgeon.


  • 他们经常国外跌跤比如沃尔玛被迫放弃德国

    But they too have often stumbled abroad: for instance, Wal-Mart had to give up in Germany.


  • 有些被迫放弃希望自己时间收获最大化

    Some things may have to fall by the wayside, but you want to get the most bang for your time buck.


  • 因为父亲突然去世必须回家,所以他的律师志向被迫放弃了。

    But he was forced to abandon his professional career ambitions when his father suddenly died and he needed to begin sending money to his family back home.


  • 因为担心利率可能过高国家债务管理局被迫放弃发行一年期债计划

    The national debt-management agency was forced to drop plans to auction one-year papers because of fears that yields would have been too high. See article.


  • 几年Facebook被迫放弃名为Beacon业务

    A FEW years ago, Facebook was forced to retreat from a new service called Beacon.


  • 大的危险新闻集团可能接管天空广播公司代价高而被迫放弃

    A greater danger is that News Corporation would be forced to drop Sky News as the price of taking over the company.


  • 因为担心利率可能过高国家债务管理局被迫放弃发行一年期债计划

    The national debt-management agency was forced to drop plans to auction one-year papers because of fears that yields would have been too high.


  • 很多有前景新药由于可能造成过多的危险不良反应而被迫放弃

    Many a promising new drug has been abandoned because of its potential to cause excessive or hazardous adverse effects.


  • 关闭转向室内装修行业,直到由于手指受伤被迫放弃这个行业。

    After the mine closed down, Li turned to interior decorating, until he was forced to give that up due to a finger injury.


  • 尽管被迫放弃最喜爱运动——足球,但是他通过学习游泳挑战自己

    Though he was forced to give up playing soccer, his favorite sport, he challenged himself to learn swimming.


  • 被问到“如果被迫放弃使用一周舍不得什么活动”时,只有9%回答社交网站”。

    When asked what activity they would be least willing to give up for an entire week, only 9% responded with "social networks."


  • 气候变化游牧生活影响太大了,将来可能会更多被迫放弃游牧生活

    Climate change has a strong effect on nomadic livelihood. There may be more people who will give up this kind of life in the future.


  • 媒体巨头被迫放弃收购盈利丰厚英国最大卫星广播运营商英国天空广播公司的控股权。

    The media giant was forced to scuttle plans to buy a controlling share of the lucrative British Sky Broadcasting, Britain's biggest satellite broadcaster.


  • 网球明星纳芙拉蒂洛遭遇高空后,被迫放弃试图爬上非洲最高峰的计划。

    The former tennis star Martina Navratilova has been forced to abandon attempts to climb Africa's highest mountain after suffering from altitude sickness.


  • 被迫放弃尔顿文学想象部分时候,她们头发被缠绕杂乱的丛林深处。

    Their hair gets caught on the tangled thickets of the forest as they abandon -- as they are forced to abandon - the classical corners of Milton's literary imagination.


  • 由于受到信任诽谤中伤,雷利被迫放弃所爱女人投入了毕生心血的工作

    Scandalized, wronged by the people he trusted most, Raley was forced to surrender the woman he loved and the work to which he'd dedicated his life.


  • 知道第一个丈夫有了孩子——一个女儿——作为离婚条件,她被迫放弃这个孩子。

    I also know she had a child by her first husband - a daughter - and that she'd been forced to abandon that child as a condition of divorce.


  • 英国1925年恢复金本位至1931年又被迫放弃金本位段时间所面临处境

    This was the situation faced by Great Britain between the time it rejoined the gold standard in 1925 and forced off of it in 1931.


  • 除了不公平以外我们估计价格提高意味着超过10万的低收入家庭被迫放弃他们的宽带接入。

    As well as being unfair we estimate that the increase in price will mean that over 100, 000 mostly low income homes will be forced to give up their broadband lines.


  • 专家们这种情况22世纪起严重恶化世界各地人们可能会被迫放弃很多沿海城市

    Experts say the situation will grow far worse in the 22nd century and beyond, likely requiring the abandonment of many of the world's coastal cities.


  • 总的来说,在这20里,大多数黑人农民要么被迫放弃农业,要么主动撤出农田,要么垂垂老矣。

    In sum, the last 20 years have seen the departure through displacement, voluntary withdrawal, or old age of the great majority of black farm operators.


  • 总的来说,在这20里,大多数黑人农民要么被迫放弃农业,要么主动撤出农田,要么垂垂老矣。

    In sum, the last 20 years have seen the departure through displacement, voluntary withdrawal, or old age of the great majority of black farm operators.


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