But its hydropower capacity at the end of last year stood at 213.4 gigawatts, the highest in the world.
The new capacity would be on top of 8GW already being built or in planning, making a total of 33GW.
Spain ranks second after the U. S. in total CSP capacity with 181 MW installed.
Over the past decade, China's installed wind capacity has grown exponentially, from just 0.3gw in 2000 to 42.3gw last year, and now accounts for 22% of the world's total wind power capacity.
The entire installed generation capacity of 48 Sub Saharan African countries is 68 gigawatts, no more than Spain’s.
The total of 105 gigawatts of power those plants would have been able to produce is considerably more than the electricity-generating capacity of Britain from all sources.
The total capacity of transformers connected in electric network is about 8-9 times of installed gross capacity of generating equipments.
The total capacity of transformers connected in electric network is about 8-9 times of installed gross capacity of generating equipments.