• 往后还尝试更多墨绿色西装外套连衣裙等。

    Will definitely try more of this color for suits, dresses and let's see what else is there.


  • 男士西装外套重新制成腰带腰带松弛漂浮

    Men's blazers are reworked into sashes and shoulder bags, while long belts hang slack and adrift.


  • 然而西装外套裤子裙装搭配则意味着此人对时尚毫无品味。

    But a tailored jacket that matched its pants or skirt suggested a blind eye toward style.


  • 了一眼条棉布破旧西装外套然后大声说,“栋楼!”

    He glanced at the gingham dress and homespun suit, then exclaimed, "a building!"


  • 为了保护自己儒兹曾经西装外套穿防弹背心不过这个背心大又

    To protect himself, Ruiz used to wear a bulletproof vest under his suit jacket, but the vest was bulky and hot.


  • 幸运的是,自从一天西装外套弄破一个之后,我就免除了熨衣服的工作了。

    Luckily, I was put off duty from ironing since I made a hole through my suit the other day.


  • 件长款、深色西装外套不仅冷天实用而且散发自信,有校园大女人的感觉。

    A long, dark-colored blazer is not only practical for chillier weather, but it also emanates a confident, big-woman-on-campus vibe.


  • 漂亮。但是有点小女孩气。如果穿A字裙。你最好配这件黑色三颗扣子的西装外套

    They are nice, but a little too girlish. If you really want to wear the A-line dress, you had better have this black 3-buttoned blazer over it.


  • 笔挺西装外套雪白衬衫擦得锃亮皮鞋鼻梁上架眼镜手里拿冒着热气咖啡

    The western business suit, white shirt, polished leather shoes, bridge of the nose shelves pair of glasses, hand emit hot air cup of coffee.


  • 胸花原本都是西装外套有些考究的西装那个位置个扣眼,就是放胸花的设计

    The boutonniere in the western-style clothing coat's left collar, the somewhat elegant western-style clothing do not have the buckle eye originally in that position, puts boutonniere's design.


  • 裤子两侧个,裤子后面两个,衬衣前面个,西装外套外面三个西装外套内侧一个,一共九个

    Two in the sides of his trousers, two in the back, one on the front of his shirt, three on his suit coat, and one on the inside of the suit coat. Total: nine.


  • 程序步入尾声之际,一位身穿白色正装衬衫深色西装外套时髦褪色牛仔裤年轻男士走上前来

    Toward the end of this process, a younger man came forward in a white button-up shirt, a dark blazer and trendily faded jeans.


  • 俗话说:“超过符合最好的证明耐克保安局西装外套中补价,包括以上只是一个黑色绿色设计评审

    The saying "more than meets the eye" is best demonstrated on this pair of Nike SB Blazer Mid Premium which consist more than just of a black and ice green colorway.


  • 此外衬衫(售价定为595美元)还搭配牛仔裤或者西装外套穿配搭晚装打造出“吸烟装”造型

    What's more, that same shirt -- which will be priced at $595 -- could be tossed over denim, tucked under a suit jacket, or worn Le Smoking style with tuxedo pants.


  • 件他的西装外套一件经典带有纽扣藏青色西装外套一件温暖肘部垫布皮革纽扣的羊毛外套衣橱里必备的有型的衣服。

    Borrow a blazer a classic navy schoolboy blazer with brass buttons or a warm wool coat with elbow patches and leather-covered buttons are handsome pieces to have in your closet.


  • 只有西装外套需要干洗明天晚上就需要这件衬衣,还有衣服的袖口和领子要上浆。

    Only the suit and coat are to be dry-cleaned. I want to have my blouse tomorrow evening.


  • 只有西装外套需要干洗明天晚上需要这件衬衣,还有衣服的袖口和领子要上浆

    Only the suit and coat are to be dry-cleaned. I want to have my blouse tomorrow evening. And I'd like the collar and cuffs starched.


  • 巴雷若以“防弹衣亚曼尼”闻名,他生产西装外套甚至T恤,这些衣服可以保护穿著的人免受子弹刀子伤害

    Known as the "Armani of bulletproof clothes", Caballero produces suits, coats and even T-shirts that protect their wearers from bullets and knives.


  • 相对西装笔挺,喜欢穿舒服牛仔裤(他现在就穿着件很普通的蓝色外套)。

    He looked as if he would be more comfortable in jeans and work boots than pinstripes and wingtips (he was wearing an off-the-rack blue suit).


  • 说:“完全赞同羽绒外套西装搭配一起穿法,只要这两件衣服的剪裁制作很完美就好。”

    'I'm all in favor of pairing a down jacket with a suit as long as both are perfectly tailored,' he said.


  • 性又正式西装外套责无旁贷地成为必备的百搭款式

    One follows a gender formal suit small jacket, ground of there is no shirking the responsibility becomes your necessary joker pattern.


  • 根据职场着装规则,实用的男士职业装包括优质西装、考究的衬衫长裤深蓝粗斜纹布牛仔裤休闲衬衫、一件精致的毛衣一件做工良好的外套

    Depending on the office dress code, a workable business wardrobe for men could include a good suit, dress shirts, dress pants, dark denim jeans, casual shirts, a good sweater and a nice coat.


  • 穿型衬衫忌穿在任何外套里面(尤其是西装),避免给人臃肿、不和谐感觉

    Wear shirt and wear at any coat (especially suit), avoid to bloated, the feeling of harmony.


  • 精干西装温暖的外套或是休闲牛仔

    Streamlined suits, warm or casual denim jacket also.


  • 干洗店不断上升的生活水平越来越多的希望她们衣服-商业西装外套针织毛衣-干式清洗频繁。

    With rising living standards, more and more people want to have their clothes - such as business suits, overcoats or knitted sweaters - dry-cleaned frequently.


  • 每天清晨上学穿戴齐整:穿上西装上衣,系紧皮鞋鞋带,再挑选搭配我的外套眼镜

    Getting dressed each morning for school, I slip on my blazer, tighten my leather Oxfords, and pick a pair of glasses that match my outfit.


  • 每天清晨上学穿戴齐整:穿上西装上衣,系紧皮鞋鞋带,再挑选搭配我的外套眼镜

    Getting dressed each morning for school, I slip on my blazer, tighten my leather Oxfords, and pick a pair of glasses that match my outfit.


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