• 如今他们大胆地开口说英文他们要坚持下去

    Now they are speaking up and it is vital they continue to do so, he said.


  • 坚持下去网站工作搞好,同时坚持成都生命工作做好使发挥预期的作用。

    He said he would stick to the site do a good job, but also to adhere to the web of life in Chengdu, a good job, to make it work as expected.


  • 坚持如果知道的事正确的,那就坚持下去顽强地追逐自己目标学会

    Be persistent. If you know what you're doing is important and right, stick to it. Doggedly pursue your goals. Learn to "fail forward".


  • 有时到头来:,正确决策,我要坚持下去或者说,我遇到了突发状况,但我还是要坚持下去

    Sometimes you end up saying: "I've made the right decision and I'm going with it", or "I encountered something I wasn't expecting and I'm going with it".


  • 开始的时候还是比较轻松渐渐的,感觉到了枯燥乏味可是再回来想想,我一定不能放弃坚持下去

    Just started to learn or more relaxed, but gradually, I felt boring and tedious, but think again, I must not give up, stick to it.


  • 一方面,如果为培养新习惯留出了时间每次日程表时候都会提醒要坚持下去,你知道再同时安排别的事情来占据段时间。

    On the other hand, if it's in your timetable, you'll be reminded about it every time you see the calendar. You'll also know not to schedule other activities during the time.


  • 告诉伴侣我们一起坚持下去”,告诉对方“哪里你猜怎么着也哪里都不能去,我们一起解决问题。”

    Tell your spouse that we’re sticking this thing out together, tell them “I’m not going anywhere, and guess what, you’re not going anywhere either, we’re going to work this thing out.”


  • 只是分钟有关动物虐待纪录片,这样我就决定了成为一个素食主义者,并且可能我的余生中也会坚持下去

    All I have to do is watch one minute of one of those documentaries about animal abuse and I know why I am vegan and probably will be for the rest of my life.


  • 如果告诉你朋友家人40“我每周锻炼”,那么你可能坚持下去

    If you tell friends or family that "I'm going to lose 40 pounds" or "I'm going to exercise three times a week", you're probably going to stick with it.


  • 一个人总得做成功一些事就是我们努力的方向,我们实现我们目标现在我们必须坚持下去

    One always wants things to work out. That's what we work for and we're achieving our objectives. We must now work to keep this up.


  • 对于自己正在学习技能,如果坚持下去制定实施某种惩罚措施来监督自己。

    Establish and implement some sort of punishment for you in not learning the skill that you are seeking.


  • 豌豆担心现在已经这么了,将来成长更多坚持下去一直做最棒“豌豆”!

    Do not worry little bean, you have grown so much now, and you will grow so much in the future. Keep on being the best bean you can!


  • 如果很享受学习过程坚持下去了,即使时间又会在乎这些呢?

    If you enjoy the learning process, you'll stick to it, and even if it takes a little longer, who CARES?


  • 无论今天面对什么既然到了一步,就坚持下去自己一些肯定,你自己想象坚强。

    No matter what you have to face today, since came to this step, stick to it; Give yourself some positive, you are stronger than you thought you would be.


  • 如果很享受学习过程坚持下去了,即使时间又会在乎这些呢?毕竟,你乐在其中

    If you enjoy the learning process, you'll stick to it, and even if it takes a little longer, who CARES? You're enjoying it, after all.


  • 唯一能让坚持下去原因坚定相信持续改进

    The only reason I've managed to accomplish anything is because I am a firm believer in continuous improvement.


  • 为什么休息人们他们血汗钱来看我们比赛,所以必须坚持下去

    "Break for what?" he said. "People spend their hard-earned money to come watch us play, I'm going to play."


  • 亲爱的中国朋友谢谢长久以来的支持对不起离开了。我知道很多中国玩家喜欢就像很多中国玩家讨厌一样但是再不能坚持下去

    Dear Cn friends: THX for long period support. I am really sry about leaving WOW. I know many PPL like me as well as many PPL hate me in China, but I cant stand for WOW any more.


  • 亲爱的中国朋友谢谢长久以来的支持对不起离开了。我知道很多中国玩家喜欢就像很多中国玩家讨厌一样但是再不能坚持下去

    Dear Cn friends: THX for long period support. I am really sry about leaving WOW. I know many PPL like me as well as many PPL hate me in China, but I cant stand for WOW any more.


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