At twenty-five weeks he issued a stark prescription: bed rest.
It is, for example, used to test safety-critical systems, such as aeroplane flight controls.
Some games, however, have the most time-critical portions done in assembly.
How many people can honestly say that they have never pruned their emails to put off tackling more demanding tasks?
If you are an impatient and demanding father, they're going to think God is impatient and demanding.
VA 201一系列的轴承,对相对较少要求苛刻的应用,使用传统的压钢笼。
The VA201 series bearings, for comparatively less demanding applications, use a conventional pressed steel cage.
Some matchmaking agencies offer VIP services to those who set severe standards. They charge 15,000 Russian rubles for such services.
Demanding managers, as well as customers who don't really know what they want, convey to developers unclear and ambiguous information.
To summarize: use the enhanced for loop by default, but consider a hand-written counted loop for performance-critical ArrayList iteration.
From the point of view of integration, portals do offer the perfect framework to enable the enterprise to present a unified face to the demanding user community.
Moreover, demanding applications or ARM-powered systems may lead to substantially shorter battery life, which will decrease their value for end-users.
It is a new brand of vodka of "Premium" category made especially for networks of night clubs and restaurants. It meets the strictest demands of vodka experts and connoisseurs of Russian vodka.
Sigourney stated in an interview, "I teased him because to me I'm playing Jim Cameron in the movie as this kind of brilliant, approach-driven, idealistic perfectionist."
Their one leadership tool is volume: if they think you aren't working as hard as they think you should, their demands become increasingly louder and harsher.
Demanding too much of air travelers or providing too little security in return undermines public support for the process.
But demanding too much of air travelers or providing too little security in return undermines public support for the process.
WOMEN in South Korea have a reputation for being some of the world’s most demanding shoppers.
Warfighters, end users and operators submit their requirements, but these are boiled down to rigid specifications in the acquisition process.
And if you have any difficulty determining when you should expire a page, you may find page caching demanding.
Near Field Communication technology can provide a secure, wireless way to transfer data, and it could be critical for mobile payment.
Computers are exacting in their demands and don't tolerate deviation from these demands at all.
Therefore, in 2000 prior to the contract award, a realistic but demanding requirement for the aircraft to operate in hot conditions, and within a range of realistic operational scenarios, was set.
Is America really confident enough in Mr McCain's vitality to give him the most demanding job in the world?
But there's another reason why, at the very highest and most demanding of levels in society, men have a natural advantage - and it's one we've seen in countless natural history TV documentaries.
A lot of commitment is needed, since following a drug regime can be quite demanding and in most circumstances, the treatment will have to be taken for life.
A lot of commitment is needed, since following a drug regime can be quite demanding and in most circumstances, the treatment will have to be taken for life.