"It's very similar to the way the British looked at us, say, around the turn of the century," Barnett says.
当地人这么说似与卡梅伦首相的观点相同。 卡梅伦承诺要阻止英国“道德的缓慢崩溃”。
Such local views seem to echo David Cameron, who promises to halt the country's “slow-motion moral collapse”.
Saleeby and Haeckel indorsed and defended "the Shame of the Sun," for once finding themselves on the same side of a question.
Today, however, men and women offer nearly identical views, with 65% of men and 62% of women saying parents put too little pressure on students.
A fierce controversy was precipitated. saleeby and haeckel indorsed and defended " the shame of the sun, " for once finding themselves on the same side of a question.
A fierce controversy was precipitated. saleeby and haeckel indorsed and defended " the shame of the sun, " for once finding themselves on the same side of a question.