The purification of UCP-l(Uncoupling protein -1) from BAT(brown adipose tissue) of the tree shrew.
Objective To explore the role of uncoupling proteins (UCP) in resisting diet-induced obesity in rats.
Uncoupling proteins 2 and uncoupling proteins 3 were probably correlated with the occurrence of obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Objective To explore effects of different diet composition on uncoupling proteins 2(UCP2) gene expression of rat white adipose tissue.
The study of regulation and function of these proteins will offer a better understanding of nervous system disease .
OBJECTIVE: To observe the expressive rule of UCP-2 in NAFL rat models at different time phases.
The free radicals also try to attack the hunger neurons, but these are protected by the uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2).
The article reviewed the structure, distribution, expression regulation of UCP3, and its regulation on mitochondrial reactive oxy2 gen species production.
目的:探讨解偶联蛋白- 2 (UCP2)在心肌缺血预适应(IPC)心肌保护中的作用。
Objective: To discuss the role of uncoupling protein 2 (UCP2) in myocardium with ischemic preconditioning (IPC).
The UCP genes were the newly discovered genes that can increase the energy expenditure and involve in the metabolism of fat and regulation of energy.
UCP genes are newly discovered genes that can increase the energy expenditure and involve the metabolism of fat and the regulation of energy.
The expression of UCP-2 enhanced gradually with the exacerbation of fatty liver in the model group, while it was negative in the normal control group.
They found increased levels of a specific protein called the 'uncoupling protein' in the muscle and heart cells of rats on the high-fat diet.
Using brown adipose tissue submitochondrial particles from different kinds of animals, binding of uncoupling protein to different purine nucleotides was estimated.
This protein ' uncouples ' the process of burning food stuffs for energy in the cells, reducing the efficiency of the heart and muscles.
This protein ' uncouples ' the process of burning food stuffs for energy in the cells, reducing the efficiency of the heart and muscles.