• 似乎警告标志测速摄像头无法使得超速司机减速

    It seems that no amount of warning signs or speed cameras will slow speeding drivers down.


  • 然后,个年龄组警告标志脆骨头肌肉削弱

    Then, age sets in. The warning signs come in brittle bones and weakened muscles.


  • 2001年,加拿大成为第一禁烟而采用形象警告标志国家

    In 2001 Canada became the first country to introduce graphic warnings for cigarettes.


  • 阅读所有警告标志,我其实也可以回答其中一些

    I have read all the warning signs and I actually can answer yes to some of them.


  • 闪动的警告标志型广告看板以及圣诞节日装饰使人分心

    Flashing warning signs, huge advertising hoardings and Christmas decorations were also said to be major distractions.


  • 提高人们糖尿病警告标志认识促使行动鼓励早期诊断

    Raise awareness of the warning signs of diabetes and promote action to encourage early diagnosis.


  • 我们听从道路边上减速慢行警告标志然后一个急转弯处滑出跑道

    We can fail to heed the warning signs along the road that tell us to slow down. Then we skid off the road on a hairpin turn.


  • 这个地方没有地进行保护警告标志仅仅放在地上一条2米长的条纹

    The place was not fenced properly: the role of warning protection was played by the two-meter piece of a striped tape lying on the ground.


  • 身体已经自然警告标志知道应该更好考虑你的

    Your body has natural warning signs to let you know that you should give better consideration to what you are putting in your mouth.


  • 一些警告标志指示需要处理长期难题一些标志指示需要治理关注短期困难

    Some warning signs indicate long-term challenges which need to be addressed, and some signs indicate a short term difficulty which doesn't require governance attention.


  • 应该最初警告标志,我应该扔到了DVD播放机烧伤圣水了。

    I suppose this should have been the initial warning sign, and I should have flung the DVD out of my player and burned it with holy water.


  • 红色X警告标志说明指定路径不到相应单元意味着没有辨别单元

    The red X warning markers indicate that the corresponding subunit cannot be found at the specified path, which means that subunit is unresolved. When subunits are unresolved, you have two options


  • 疼痛不愉快身体情绪上感觉身体作为警告标志破坏生产

    Pain is an unpleasant physical or emotional feeling that your body produces as a warning sign that it has been damaged.


  • 西尔斯博士如果产品看到饮品这个词,就是警告标志不是100%果汁

    If you see the word "drink" on a product, that's a telltale sign that it's not 100% juice, says Dr. Sears.


  • 该书主要内容就像警告标志不是之后一个人段时间看看吗?

    The book mainly reads like a big warning sign, but isn't it nice to have someone look after you every once in a while?


  • 实验表明本文提出的颜色分割形状检测算法对于禁令标志警告标志好的适用性

    Experimental results show that the proposed color segmentation and shape detection algorithm for the prohibition signs and warning signs have very good applicability.


  • 非法该市气象台发出警告标志白色星期四表明这个城市天气可能影响未来热带沙尘暴

    The city's meteorological observatory issued a white warning sign Thursday indicating the city's weather could be influenced by a tropical sand storm in the next two days.


  • 想你已经注意到,警告标志通常黄色因为黄色光首先进入你的视线所以你会首先关注黄色。

    I'm sure you have you noticed that caution signs are usually yellow. Pure yellow strains your eye more than any other color because of that, it is the first color your eye will fix on.


  • 度量标准只能提供警告标志它们不能准确地指示团队面对麻烦(机会)类型不能提供帮助团队所需信息

    Metrics can only provide warning signs; they can't accurately indicate the type of trouble (or opportunities) faced by a team, nor can they provide the information required to help the team.


  • 前面通行高度限制警告标志,用以预先警告驾驶人,并辅助标志说明限制生效地点距离有多远。

    Advanced warning of restricted headroom may be given by a restricted headroom ahead warning sign with a supplementary plate showing the distance to the restriction.


  • 悬挂十字路口上方或是警告标志上方或是在公路障碍物闪烁黄色信标灯警告司机注意安全行驶。

    A flashing yellow beacon above an intersection, above a warning sign or on an obstruction in the road, warns you to drive with caution.


  • 机构当年11月提出了36种备选标志通过1700条评论对其进行淘汰,于本周发布9种警告标志

    The agency presented 36 possible warnings in November and, after weeding through 1, 700 comments, issued nine new warnings this week.


  • 机构当年11月提出了36种备选标志通过1700条评论对其进行淘汰,于本周发布9种警告标志

    The agency presented 36 possible warnings in November and, after weeding through 1,700 comments, issued nine new warnings this week.


  • 手册设备警告标志如果遵守有关要求,不采取相应的措施可能导致人员的伤害设备的损坏

    The warning signals in the manual and on the equipment mean that the related requirements and measures must be observed otherwise personnel or equipment will be hurt or damaged.


  • 范德比尔特描述了西班牙条狭窄弯曲路上驾驶经历。他在弯上行驶时两旁几乎没有护栏悬崖没有警告标志

    Vanderbilt describes driving along a narrow, twisting road in Spain, where he navigated hairpin turns with few guardrails or warning signs over steep drop-offs.


  • 范德比尔特描述了西班牙条狭窄弯曲路上驾驶经历。他在弯上行驶时两旁几乎没有护栏悬崖没有警告标志

    Vanderbilt describes driving along a narrow, twisting road in Spain, where he navigated hairpin turns with few guardrails or warning signs over steep drop-offs.


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