Based on plane section computational assumption, the constraint equations of element nodes' degree are used and the simplified finite element method is proposed.
Suppose a PHP page needs to calculate two stock prices, perhaps to compare them, and the underlying host happens to be a multiprocessor.
This is a simple calculation that assumes you know the cluster size and the number of servers you are willing to allow fail and still regard the cluster as "available" as a whole.
Suppose you discover that some of the computing resources that you have on the public Internet are underutilized, and resources on your organization's internal network are overloaded.
The scientist plans experiments, performs calculations, and makes observations to test hypotheses.
Assume that the Gross Profit is based on the calculation of (the investment return of the account balance) - (the interest paid).
In this tutorial, it is assumed that the source code is stored in a directory on your local computer-you do not need to use a Web server or upload the files to a Web hosting service.
To calculate ROIs, given the two orchestrators and repositories are in place, consider a theater of three human-facing Web services. They are.
People rarely consider that the tangible features assumed to be intrinsic to the "computer" were imitations of other objects, with keyboards inherited from typewriters and screens from television.
Floating point and decimal Numbers are not nearly as well-behaved as integers, and you cannot assume that floating point calculations that "should" have integer or exact results actually do.
This article assumes the following products are already installed and configured in your machine.
Using modern astronomers' assumptions, which presuppose a flat universe, they calculated the probability that the universe was in one of three states: flat, positively curved or negatively curved.
Google's business model (see article) assumes that people will entrust it with ever more information about their lives, to be stored in the company's "cloud" of remote computers.
Like Chapter 5, Chapter 6 presumes knowledge of computer architecture, and at least some experience in programming assembly language.
If somebody else had something interesting stored on their computer, it was a simple matter to obtain a copy (assuming the owner did not protect it).
Wouldn't it be neat if the application could figure out how much processor power it needed at any given time based on how much was actually being used and only used that much?
For the purpose of this article, it is assumed that the local machine is already part of the domain.
Excess-burden calculations typically assume no other distortions. If other distortions exist, the incremental excess burden of a new tax depends on its effects in other markets.
We can calculate all Ted’s assignments and spent time and define estimate accuracy for next iteration, let’s say it is 0.7.
目前, getCalculator()工厂方法采用了非常简单的方法,它假定由这个服务所创建的全部计算器都是通过相同的服务端点来访问的。
The getCalculator() factory method currently takes the very simple approach of assuming that all calculators created by this service will be accessed via the same service endpoint.
This calculation also assumes that demand in the world outside the US would increase by 2.4 per cent relative to its trend.
For the sake of simplicity, it is assumed that DB2 and Microsoft Access coexist on the same physical machine.
Assuming every firepower unit has aims to fire, enemy actualizing continuum air attack, therefore a math model for calculating Max time to fire is set up based on the these factors.
Run it through the Windows calculator (assuming the Windows calculator has no rounding errors) simulating the same calculations.
Suppose we wanted to run a microwave oven from the computer. What kind of software would you write to do this?
The flexural strength calculated on the basis of the plane section assumption and strain compatibility condition agrees well with the test results.
In the calculation, the mathematical model assumed by Winkler and its finite-difference solution are adopted.
Assume that the computer with peripherals costs 100,000 pounds.
Assume that the computer with peripherals costs 100,000 pounds.