• 当然一些认为理所当然事情并不是如此明显

    Of course some things are taken for granted that need not have to be so obvious.


  • 我们认为理所当然高增长通胀时期已经结束。

    The era of high growth and low inflation which we have taken for granted is finished.


  • 因为有些要的不是我们认为理所当然的东西,比如金钱

    Because some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money.


  • 当然重要现实中我们认为理所当然大片不过是解剖学意外而已。

    The larger point, of course, is that vast swaths of the reality we take for granted are mere accidents of anatomy.


  • 所有的事情,不妨时常长久以来认为理所当然东西个问号

    In all affairs it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted.


  • 认为理所当然的是,赛季每个防守队员都会害怕德罗巴舍瓦

    I do take for granted that every defence will fear Drogba and Sheva next year too.


  • 最喜欢家庭专家之一,因为有质疑所有人认为理所当然东西的勇气。

    She is one of my favorite family experts, because she likes to question the premises that everyone else takes for granted.


  • 数据库事务概念支持我们认为理所当然速度便捷性采购货物支付货款

    Its concept of a transaction enables goods to be purchased and money to be transferred with the speed and ease we have come to take for granted.


  • 感谢那些我们认为理所当然我们身体一部分工作中的乐趣我们的人。

    Give thanks for all the things we take for granted, parts of our body, the things we enjoy about our jobs, people who love us.


  • 有时人们感谢道歉只是为了自己感受好一些因此不要认为理所当然

    People sometimes appreciate or apologize to make themselves feel better, so do not take every act for granted.


  • 优势之一,从进化角度心理,迫使我们从科学角度,看待我们认为理所当然东西

    One of the advantages of an evolutionary perspective on the mind is that it forces us to look scientifically at what we would otherwise take for granted.


  • 这些都是我们容易忽视认为理所当然因为它们不是我们社会衡量成功所必需的。

    These are things we all tend to overlook or take for granted because they aren't necessarily how our society measures success.


  • 呼吸进食生活我们认为理所当然的事情对于来说,都很困难的。

    Breathing, eating, living, everything we take for granted was difficult for her.


  • 一位父亲儿子之间普通时刻认为理所当然因为认为很多很多。

    Ordinary moment between a father and a son, the kind you take for granted, because you assume there will be many many more.


  • 伏拉汤姆但是如果我们验证那么我们就目光盯上其他我们认为理所当然常量上

    FLATOW: But if we do verify it, might we not then question the other constants that we took for granted as not being changeable?


  • 多少微小而确定的幸福是你们认为理所当然拥有而其实正有人渴望拥有不能的?

    How many little things do you take for granted everyday that others would love to have?


  • 依然认为理所当然的是,任何时候只要切尔西穿着他们队服踢球得到胜利。

    I still take it for granted that every time a Chelsea team puts on their shirts to play football they will be victorious.


  • 认为理所当然应当假设,伽利略形象弥尔顿诗歌的作用而言,有着无以言表的重要性。

    I think it stands to reason to assume that this figure of Galileo is of some importance to Milton and the workings of the poem.


  • 相比印度人和中国人美国更加悲观他们担心自己的孩子不再享受到当年自己认为理所当然该享受的机遇

    Americans are more pessimistic than the Indians or Chinese, worried that their children will not enjoy the opportunities that they have taken for granted.


  • 从长期看,可能需要工人们重新考虑慷慨社会福利长假退休,虽然这些向来都是他们认为理所当然的。

    Over the long term, that is likely to require workers to rethink the generous social benefits, long vacations and early retirement plans they once took for granted.


  • 外界社会常常抱有愤恨态度,尤其是富二代将他们不劳而获的财富认为理所当然而不是有幸得到

    The second generation of the rich often incur the ire of the wider society, especially when they act as if they're entitled to, rather than lucky to have, their unearned riches.


  • 我们认为理所当然的家庭会抛弃我们;我们深信无比丈夫也可能背叛我们;我们深深爱着的女儿也许不再回到我们的身边

    The family we take for grantedcould one day abandon us; the husband we trust so implicitly mightbetray us; the daughter we love so deeply perhaps wont return tous.


  • 利比里亚这样国家中的父母亲战争中他们孩子赢得了自由但是现在他们却在为一种我们认为理所当然奢侈待遇斗争食品保障

    Parents in countries like Liberia won freedom from war for their children, but now, they fight for a luxury we take for granted: food security.


  • 顿时教室变得片寂静,似乎可以听到根针掉落的声音。是的,生命中被我们忽视的那些简单的,平常的,认为理所当然事物却是真正美妙的!

    The room was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. The things we overlook as simple, ordinary and take for granted are truly wondrous!


  • 所有那些普通得不能再普通的事儿,那些曾经认为理所当然事儿——都是些很小小事比如能够踢球或者一包片——现在都可望而不可即了,我多么怀念它们

    And all the ordinary things which I'd always taken for granted13 -just little things, like being able to kick a football or being able to eat a bag of crisps14 -how I missed them.


  • 喜剧演员LouisCK’s作客ConanO'Brien主持LateNight节目时说出了的话毛躁、不敬的,绝对提醒我们感激每天我们认为理所当然事情

    On Late Night with Conan O'Brien, comedian Louis CK's commentary is edgy and irreverent – and it absolutely reminds us to be grateful of the things we take for granted in everyday life.


  • 似乎理所当然认为他应当作为代表发言

    He seemed to take it for granted that he should speak as a representative.


  • 似乎理所当然认为他应当作为代表发言

    He seemed to take it for granted that he should speak as a representative.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定