If you asked me to describe the rising philosophy of the day, I'd say it is data-ism.
The first sentence of Phil's subsequent report -- "I went to the Metropolitan with my grandmother, which is an art expert" -- still makes her smile.
My neighbours and visitors have all been quite surprised and shocked at the size - they think it's a beast.
For me it was the catalyst to give up destructive behaviour - heavy drinking and smoking.
I just wanted to make it so simple and easy to use, and of course I made it free, so there was no reason not to try it.
And I get more annoyed when I think that people abroad are watching this and thinking it is a prime example of great British television.
My shield will protect me in the market place and sustain me when I am alone. It will uplift me in moments of despair yet it will calm me in time of exultation.
When I found it - annoyed - I did a quick label "I'm feeling annoyed" then let it go - so much easier to do after I'd quickly labelled it.
If it's not clear to you what a threat is, let me define it as any statement, gesture or act that is designed to create physical or emotional pain in your partner.
I even thought that I must have left the hall lamp burning and the groping of this creature proved it a monster of the night.
I was once with a girl who took one look, giggled, and named him the Dark Horse.
Facebook is not just another Web site: it is a service that "Facebookizes" every Web site it touches, making me bring all of my friends with me, like luggage.
去年的这个时候,我得到了一台崭新的DELLE6400工作用的笔记本,酷睿双核2.8 Ghz,4gb内存,硬盘大到让我忘了它是多少。
This time last year I got a new work laptop, a Dell E6400, dual core 2.8ghz, 4gb, enough hard disk capacity that I've forgotten what it is.
An error of this type could show up just as easily in your code as it did in Jetty's, so let's take a closer look at how it happened.
Yet on further investigation it seems that these lights have appeared before and it is due to weather conditions and icecrystals or something scientific that blows my head off.
My armor was never a distraction or a hobby, it was a cocoon, and now I'm a changed man.
Frieda: This operation's about to have a hostile takeover. Just call it a little power play.
Let me see. Yes, this looks good. How many mega pixels does it have?
Let me see. Yes, this looks good. How many mega pixels does it have.
Not only does it give me access to three important features, but it is completely free of charge.
I used it so that they could record all of the books that they read about Japanese culture.
Discovering myself and trusting my intuition and senses, through the photography medium and it offers me something to say without saying anything.
So, let us explain a little bit of what is ahead in a couple of different areas and how this will affect each of you personally.
So, let us explain a little bit of what is ahead in a couple of different areas and how this will affect each of you personally.