• 我们想想污染以外的问题,只是科技进步天文研究带来的不便。

    Let's think beyond light pollution; that's only one kind of a technological advance that has interfered with astronomical research.


  • 所以我们想想,霍布斯到底试图完成什么

    So let's think a little bit about what it was that Hobbes was attempting to accomplish.


  • 这个信念,我们想想该如何修复……是上主对我们日常事务之召唤

    This New Year, let'sreflect on the restoration and hope we have when we know the Repairman. . . in the high calling of our daily work.


  • 现在我们想想不要我们运动员带来心情,别他们无比阴郁前往里约。

    Let us now think about not putting our sportsmen in bad mood and sending them to Rio looking gloomy.


  • 深深的注视眼睛,我看见所有我们一起度过时光现在我们想想另一段时光。

    When I look deep into your eyes, I can see all the time we spent together. Now I see anther time.


  • 例如让我们想想如何使用科技净化水、人们阅读家家户户提供安全能源

    For example, let's look at how we can use new technologies to purify water, teach people to read, or provide safe sources of energy for homes.


  • 我们想想怎么分类单键双键,我们考虑sigma键,和π键有用

    So let's think about how we can classify single and double and triple bonds, which is what we're really used to dealing with in terms of these sigma bonds and these pi bonds.


  • 我们想想。卡洛林姑姑第一次婚姻儿女吉姆姑父的继子女,卡洛林姑姑是孩子们的继母。

    Let's see. aunt Caroline's sons and daughters from her first marriage are Uncle Jim's stepchildren. aunt Caroline is his children's stepmother.


  • 我们想想那些老套的难题:工作与家庭冲突缺少负担得起儿童保健,缺少带薪家庭病假缺乏弹性工作时间

    Into this stress-stew, let's throw those old brainteasers: work-family conflict, lack of affordable childcare, lack of paid family medical leave, inflexible schedules.


  • 我们相同精神阿伦吗?让我们想想之前我们发现自己“进退两难之间地方”,之前我们必须做出决定可能意味着

    Do we have the same spirit as Aron? Let's think about it before we find ourselves "between a rock and a hard place", and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death.


  • 没错我们常常听到对于这个问题讨论,不禁我们坐下来好好想想到底谁开车更好

    Yes, we hear about this all the time and and it does set us thinking as to who are better drivers?


  • 让我们想想上帝赐予我们的福分。多想想我们每天做了哪些有益于自己思想身体感情精神的事。

    Let's think about what God has blessed us with, and what we are doing each day to promote ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally.


  • 想想那些阶级种族国籍所造成偏见它们都是制造某种期待值我们很难不按照其轨道行进。

    Think of any of the standard stereotypes about class, race and nationality. Each of these create expectations in other people's minds, expectations that are difficult for us to avoid playing up to.


  • 让我们想想美国著名创新者之一比尔·盖茨走过的道路吧。

    Consider for a moment, the path of one of America's most famous innovators, Bill Gates.


  • 假如仔细想想广告用意就是我们觉得对目前所拥有的很不满意

    And if you think about it, what is the point of an AD except to make us unhappy with what we have?


  • 因为我们所有我们恰巧讲到东西有关让我们再次想想托尼,把它与我们最近讨论东西联系起来。

    Because we've said all along that it's about whatever it is that we happen to be talking about, let's think about Tony once again as being about the things we've been discussing recently.


  • 我们创造某物前,我们好好想想我们正要创造的是不是我们现有的要好

    Before we create something, let us really see, if what we are creating now is better than what we have.


  • 事实上仔细想想我们只是很少的几个时刻需要受到激励。而在这些时刻之间士气习惯潜意识的专注就能让我们继续坚持。

    In fact, when you think about it, we only need to be motivated for a few short moments. Between those moments, momentum or habit or unconscious focus takes over.


  • 有时候想想自己不要成为怎样的人足以我们正确方向上行驶

    Sometimes picturing what we don't want is enough to get us moving in the right direction.


  • 担心一定房间某个地方我们想想把它放在哪里了。抽屉桌子你都找了吗?

    Don't worry about it. It must be somewhere in your room. Let's see where you put it. Have you searched your drawers and the desk?


  • 敢于追逐梦想崇高的理想想激励自己,用昂扬的斗志鼓舞自己。我们一起憧憬锦绣前程吧!

    Have the courage to pursue your dreams, inspire yourself with great ideals, and motivate yourself with high spirits. Let's look forward to having a brilliant future!


  • 那么现在我们想想,怎么设计实验本身吧,这里目标或者多于两个目标

    Now let's think about designing the experiment itself. The goal here, there are two goals. Or more than two.


  • 但是我们暂停分钟想想破产之后的通用将会变成怎样的呢?

    But let's pause for a minute and think about what a post-bankruptcy GM will actually look like.


  • 确实更有效率的解决了问题,好,接下来我们想想,看我们实际上怎么来解决这种问题的。

    So, let's think about it, and let's think about what we're actually doing when we solve this.


  • 确实更有效率的解决了问题,好,接下来我们想想,看我们实际上怎么来解决这种问题的。

    So, let's think about it, and let's think about what we're actually doing when we solve this.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定