• 一天紧张的工作之后,到新鲜空气中散散步可以你心情舒畅。

    A walk in the fresh air can lift your mood after a stressful day's work.


  • 这种进化适应使鸟类肺部总是充满着“新鲜空气它们其他动物可能毙命的高度呼吸无碍。

    This adaptation keeps birds' lungs filled with "fresh" air, allowing them to breathe at altitudes that would kill other animals.


  • 步道上呼吸着新鲜空气感到精神充沛,只要后院有小鸟陪伴沉闷一天也会充满乐趣。

    The fresh air along a birding trail can be invigorating, while the companionship of backyard birds can brighten any dreary day.


  • 喜欢户外呼吸一下新鲜空气,放松自己,这双常年电脑辐射的眼睛也接触下自然阳光

    Be inspired by nature. I love going outside, to take a breath of fresh air, to stretch, to get natural light into my computer-strained eyes.


  • 这种情况下头脑风暴可以卷起尘埃,将新鲜空气僵死思绪,灵感微风流动起来

    In this case, brainstorming stirs up the dust, whips some air into our stilled pools of thought, and gets the breeze of inspiration moving again.


  • 新鲜空气进入解决室内空气污染最好方法之一

    Letting fresh air in is one of the best ways to cope with indoor air pollution.


  • 尽量打开窗户新鲜净化空气涌入,外面空气清新。

    Open a window whenever you can to let in some fresh, cleansing air. The air outside is cleaner.


  • 白天窗户打开一点你来说新鲜空气进来,对我来说发出的邀请,哈哈。

    To you, leaving that window open just a crack during the day is a way to let in a little fresh air. To me, it’s an invitation.


  • 牙签可以帮助把油梨里撑起来,上部新鲜空气里,肥大下部在水下

    The toothpicks will help suspend the avocado pit in water and keep the top part of the pit in fresh air and the fat base of the pit under the surface of the water.


  • 出去走走。不要在家里面郁闷没有什么作用-出去,获得一些新鲜空气思维摆脱忧郁

    Get out and about. Don't sit at home moping, this will get you nowhere - going out and getting some fresh air will take your mind off feeling glum.


  • 构建美丽城市人们很多很多因为它们可以人们提供新鲜空气也可以城市看起来更好

    To make a beautiful city, people have to plant lots of trees, which can make fresh air for human beings and have a better look.


  • 名言感谢鼻子即使可以呼吸新鲜空气

    Famous four: To my nose, even if the collapse, but also so that I can breathe fresh air.


  • 整天工作人们感到无聊,无限循环工作泯灭人们激情他们需要通过玩耍呼吸新鲜空气这样他们才能更好地工作。

    Working all the time bores people, the constant recycling work fades people's passion, they need to play to breathe the new air, so that they can work better.


  • 户外商务午餐会大家享受到办公室中得不到休息机会新鲜空气工作心情也会好起来。

    An outdoor business lunch provides a much-needed break from the office, and moods are elevated while working in the fresh air.


  • 来到这里可以呼吸新鲜空气品尝纯净水源、安全的食物可以享受优质服务,青春延续活力提升,为生命加分

    Here, you can not only breath fresh air, drink clean water and taste healthy food, but also prolong youth, improve energy and plus your life.


  • 看来家长应该他们孩子早期这么课程孩子需要时间他们的朋友玩他们需要呼吸新鲜空气

    In my opinion, the parents should not let their children learn so many classes in the early age, the kids need to spend some time to play with their friends, they need to breathe some fresh air.


  • 是为了孩子能够户外新鲜空气奔跑,而不是电子屏幕,他们拥有认识一些可以陪一生的好朋友机会

    I pay so that my kids can be in the fresh air instead of in front of a screen and give them opportunity to make life-long friendships.


  • 一个晴朗日子妈妈轮椅院内,呼吸新鲜空气

    One sunny day his mother wheeled him out into the yard to get some fresh air.


  • 另外一个惊人的探险接近尾声,参赛者们回家身上都会有点儿但是山里新鲜空气他们消除疲劳。

    As another amazing Voss Adventure Week draws to a close, contestants return home a bit sore but refreshed from all the mountain air.


  • 班里男生房间的废墟正在努力开一些窟窿新鲜空气能够透进来,后来他们又努力双手刨出一个通道我们终于设法逃了出来。

    Boys in my class were digging holes in he classroom to let fresh air in. Then they tried to dig a passage with their bare hands, and finally, I found a way to escape.


  • 喜爱外面走走,呼吸呼吸新鲜空气,做做伸展运动,看电脑看得疲惫眼睛看看自然阳光

    I love going outside, to take a breath of fresh air, to stretch, to get natural light into my computer-strained eyes.


  • 如今我们如此姣好的天气行走感到真是幸运,绿色森林新鲜空气蓝蓝的天,雪白人感觉一切真是美好

    We all felt it's lucky to walk up on such a fine day, green woods, fresh air, blue sky and snow-white cloud.


  • 啊!深深地呼吸新鲜空气,去沐浴绚丽阳光雨露,去分享如诗如画芬芳

    Let me deeply breathe the fresh air deeply, bathes that gorgeous sunlight rain and dew, shares that like poem like picture the fragrance.


  • 啊!深深地呼吸新鲜空气,去沐浴绚丽阳光雨露,去分享如诗如画芬芳

    Let me deeply breathe the fresh air deeply, bathes that gorgeous sunlight rain and dew, shares that like poem like picture the fragrance.


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