• 老师必须记录学生出勤情况

    Teachers must keep a record of students' attendances.


  • 根据我们记录已经缺席了。

    You've been absent six times according to our records.


  • 不想破坏完美的记录

    He wasn't about to blemish that pristine record.


  • 一队警察正在数千小偷记录中搜索。

    A team of officers is trawling through the records of thousands of petty thieves.


  • 结算记录如何运作的?

    How do accounting records operate?


  • 一旦核对定货物就把记录存档

    Once you've checked off the items you ordered, put this record in your file.


  • 这些事件日记中如实地记录了下来

    The events were faithfully recorded in her diary.


  • 许多罪行都未记录在案

    Many crimes go unrecorded.


  • 我们记录定期更新

    Our records are regularly updated.


  • 指控包括诈骗贿赂篡改业务记录

    The charges against him include fraud, bribery, and falsifying business records.


  • 今天早晨5点钟时四大城市的气温记录

    Here are the temperatures recorded at the four metros at 5 o'clock this morning.


  • 令人关注的是此类发作记录在案病例很少

    Interestingly, there are very few recorded cases of such attacks.


  • 英镑美元比价降到了记录以来最低水平

    The pound has sunk to its lowest recorded level against the dollar.


  • 这种方法随着摆脱单纯依赖官方记录而产生的。

    This approach was concomitant with the move away from relying solely on official records.


  • 数据记录仪器很快查明机械故障减少维修时间

    Data recorders also pinpoint mechanical faults rapidly, reducing repair times.


  • 他们确保这样声明可以其它记录多方核对所证实。

    They want to ensure such claims are justified by cross-checking with other records.


  • 确实那些没有经济基础贫穷国家环保记录糟糕。

    It's really the poor countries that don't have an economic base that have the worst environmental records.


  • 达·芬奇研究非常有条理,仔细地记录他的观察所得理论

    Da Vinci was methodical in his research, carefully recording his observations and theories.


  • 维奥莉特1917年420日的日记简短记录着布里吉承认此事

    Violet's diary entry for April 20, 1917 records Brigit admitting to the affair.


  • 为了使他们计算机跟踪个人记录他们需要这个名字地址

    In order for their computers to trace a person's records, they need both the name and address of the individual.


  • 这个德国赢取高尔夫球赛最高的过程中刷新了3项、2锦标赛记录

    The German set three tournament records and equalled two others en route to grabbing golf's richest prize.


  • 为什么化石记录没有记录动物进化过程中的一系列进化变化

    Why does the fossil record not document the series of evolutionary changes during the evolution of animals?


  • 希望把刚才记录在案

    I'd like that last remark to be minuted.


  • 上次会议记录方面无尚待解决事项

    Are there any matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting?


  • 这样做可能被记录违章

    You risk having your licence endorsed.


  • 60%10%的都有血统记录

    60 percent of dogs and ten percent of cats have pedigrees.


  • 运输部将公布会议记录

    The DOT is to publish the conference proceedings.


  • 秘书停止了记录目瞪口呆地看着

    His secretary stopped taking notes to gape at me.


  • 这位飞行员1 000小时飞行记录

    The pilot has logged 1 000 hours in the air.


  • 正在根据口述记录西蒙·福曼日记

    She is transcribing, from his dictation, the diaries of Simon Forman.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定