• 佩服的记得名字

    It impressed me that she remembered my name.


  • 布莱恩记得科罗拉多钓鱼

    Brian remembers learning to fish in the Colorado River.


  • 记得楼梯擦肩而过

    He remembered passing her on the stairs.


  • 记得偷拿过眼镜吗?

    Do you remember when I pinched your glasses?


  • 使大为惊奇的是记得

    To my amazement , he remembered me.


  • 记得的名字,使我万分惊讶。

    To my utter astonishment , she remembered my name.


  • 记得吧,玛丽总是喜欢动物

    If you remember, Mary was always fond of animals.


  • 艾米记得自己生气

    Amy remembered the anger he had stirred in her.


  • 清楚地记得我巴不得自己没有参与进去。

    I distinctly remember wishing I had not got involved.


  • 朋友记得开始,就一直节食

    He has been on a diet for as long as any of his friends can remember.


  • 倘若我们再次见面希望记得的事。

    If and when we ever meet again I hope he remembers what I did for him.


  • 麦格拉思记得非同寻常幽默感,和他异想天开一面

    McGrath remembers his offbeat sense of humour, his whimsical side.


  • 开始哼起一个曲调尽管记得不太清楚,他插入几个

    He started humming a tune, then interpolated the odd word as though having difficulty remembering.


  • 记得女儿医院看望出生的弟弟确切一刻

    I can remember the precise moment when my daughter came to see me and her new baby brother in the hospital.


  • 帕特这次旅行记忆生动清晰,他记得一些已经忘却的可怕事情。

    Pat has vivid recollections of the trip, and remembers some of the frightening aspects I had forgotten.


  • 说来也怪,记得我1956年7月5日午餐吃的什么忘了今天早餐吃的什么。

    Funnily enough I can remember what I had for lunch on July 5th, 1956, but I've forgotten what I had for breakfast today.


  • 过了这么多年,记得

    After all these years, she still remembered.


  • 记得加冕为皇帝

    He doesn't remember he was crowned emperor.


  • 记得那些语法规则了!

    I can't remember those grammar rules!


  • 记得小猫名字了!

    I remember the kittens' names!


  • 记得水果

    I remember buying the fruits.


  • 记得

    He couldn't remember.


  • 依然清楚地记得祖父母

    I have vivid memories of my grandparents.


  • 清楚地记得很小时候祖父低头微笑的情景。

    I have a vivid picture of my grandfather smiling down at me when I was very small.


  • 我们这一代经历过第二次世界大战都还清晰地记得当时的混乱无能为力

    People of my generation who lived through World War II have vivid memories of confusion and incompetence.


  • 竟,记得爱比记得一个名字更重要。

    After all, remembering love is more important than just being able to remember a name.


  • 记得多眨眼。

    So remember to blink more.


  • 偶尔“拥抱”大自然。

    Remember to sometimes "hug" nature.


  • 带上你的相机。

    Just remember to bring your camera.


  • 记得开始,也不记得结尾,但每当我想起来,就会落泪。

    I can remember neither the beginning nor the end, but whenever I think of it, tears run down my face.


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