• 记得当时数学平庸解决数学问题方面很优秀

    I remembered that my mathematics was mediocre at that time, but he was excellent at solving mathematics questions.


  • 我们这一代经历过第二次世界大战都还清晰地记得当时的混乱无能为力

    People of my generation who lived through World War II have vivid memories of confusion and incompetence.


  • 参加了考试并且感到内心十分平和,我不记得当时的成绩是多少了,但那天发生的事情一直存在在我的心里,印在我的脑海中。

    I took the test and felt peaceful, I don't remember what my grade was, but what happened that day has stayed in my heart and mind ever since.


  • 几乎不记得年前一天一切记得当时感到非常愤怒

    I hardly remember everything of that day six years ago, but I do remember that I was feeling very angry.


  • 记得当时拿着一杯咖啡正在恳求试图她接受她的学生。

    I remember I was holding this mug of coffee and I was pleading with her, trying to convince her to take me on as her student.


  • 记得当时自己已经30了。

    I'm 30 years old, I remember thinking.


  • 记得当时自己就在想:我会不及格的。

    'I'm going to fail,' he remembers thinking at the time.


  • 记得当时站在厨房外面听着她的雇主父母说话

    She remembers standing outside the kitchen, overhearing her employers talk with her parents.


  • 记得当时我们特别兴奋,每天很少休息,一直工作。

    I remember we were so excited that we kept at it for days with little rest.


  • 记得当时特别快以至于我不能完全理解的意思。

    I remember he talked so fast that I couldn't understand him.


  • 记得当时一位美国朋友打电话我们发现

    I remember telephoning a friend in the US to say that I thought we had a new discovery.


  • 终于梦想成真记得当时家人的爱超过了对巴士的喜欢。

    Finally, it is real and I remember that I like my family and I don’t like buses.


  • 事发生大约年前,记得当时看那张纸时觉得真是傻极了。

    This was almost a year ago, I do remember feeling pretty silly going through with it.


  • 记得当时我们老师我们单位学校礼堂投票

    I remember back then my teacher organizing us into groups to vote in the school hall.


  • 虽然柜子衣服,但我记得当时老是很烦躁知道穿什么好

    Even though I had a closet full of clothes I remember having anxiety attacks because I couldn't decide what to wear.


  • 费勒记得当时医生不要说,没什么事儿担心不会癌症的。”

    Feiler remembers his doctor was not concerned. "She says." It looks like nothing, don't worry, it's not like you have cancer.


  • 记得当时妻子一起观看这部影片。吓坏了起来直接走出影院

    I remember seeing the film at the time with my wife and she was so horrified that she stood up and walked right out of the theatre.


  • 清楚记得当时表情蓬松灰白卷发大致这么的,“写作不好

    When I went to ask my English teacher about it, I remember vividly the look on her face and the puffy strands of gray hair she wore, when she said something along the lines of, “You are a bad writer.


  • 得到了一个名字缩写钥匙,我记得当时觉得背后想法多么地令人感动。

    I received a key chain with my initials, and I remember thinking that the idea behind it was so lovely.


  • 受到校园小恶霸的欺凌会引起强烈的高度个人化反应记得当时自己感到愤怒和同情。

    Bullying elicits strong and highly personal reactions; I remember my own sense of outrage and identification.


  • 记得当时一杯咖啡恳求试图接受,我说:“朱迪,我做事儿挺麻利的。”

    And I remember I was holding this mug of coffee and I was pleading with her, trying to convince her to take me on as her student, and I was saying, "Judy, I'll get a lot done."


  • 过去Patterson依然记得当时感觉女孩扔下老爸开始哭泣

    Two years later, Patterson still remembers how he felt as the girl dropped her pen, wrapped her arms around her father's leg and began to SOB.


  • 记得当时不停的:“如果继承性侏儒症长大了,他我吗?”

    I remember thinking, "If he has inherited dwarfism, it will be my fault. When he is older, will he blame me and resent me for it?"


  • 还要记住JAXB以前几个版本基本上已经废弃了记得当时JAXB只能使用DTD吗?

    Also, keep in mind that all the pre-release versions of JAXB were basically scrapped remember when JAXB only worked with DTDs?


  • 1999年大学里发起音乐教学项目,我还记得当时窘境我们努力召集首批志愿者

    When I started a music mentoring program in college back in 1999, I remember the struggle we had, trying to get our first group of volunteers together.


  • 脾气火爆记得当时认为他不是个让人愉快但是我想要回家而且也感觉到身体什么威胁

    He had a volcanic temper and I remember thinking what an unpleasant man he was, but I wanted to get home and didn't feel physically threatened.


  • 一些妇女她们四五十岁时仍然记得当时放弃那些梦想痛苦大多数年青妇女已经对此不屑一顾了。

    Some women, in their forties and fifties, still remembered painfully giving up those dreams, but most of the younger women no longer even thought about them.


  • 对啦一定冬天我们因为记得当时我正在吸烟,我抬起头来,第一看见了墙上那个斑点

    Yes, it must have been the winter time, and we had just finished our tea, for I remember that I was smoking a cigarette when I looked up and saw the mark on the wall for the first time.


  • 记得当时一个19男孩IssacLewis威尔士家乡步行240英里,一路筹款伦敦

    A 19 year old boy named Isaac Lewis walked from his home in Wales all the way to London to collect donations along the way.


  • 记得当时每个星期天晚上都会哭泣,而且这样过,因为不得不丢下孩子长途颠簸4个小时赶到费城

    She remembers crying every Sunday night for a year when she would leave her children to make the four-hour trek to Philadelphia.


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