I left all the fragments of life and memories behind and felt every subtle change with surprise.
Memory chips: messages that fly in the sky, limitless whether or not desire exists in nothingness?
Can not help but have thoughts dust-laden memories of being open, I picked up the fragments of memory, I remembered back to that period of time.
Every time awakened from a dream, are fragments of childhood memories, but not every dream with color, the scene is always dark, as she watched the black and white TV.
When people get nostalgic, they’re not really thinking about the particular thing, it’s for the memory of it.
At that moment, Xiaoqing's heart seemed to be lightly whipped. For the past three years after marriage, her husband's habits and hobbies as well as his voice had been deeply branded in her mind.
Memories, emotions, conditioning and all sorts of other mental flotsam taint every new experience you gain.
But the current view of cognitive science leans more toward a new image: memories are like emergent events summed out of many discrete, unmemory-like fragments stored in the brain.
From Memento to The Dark Knight to Inception, he manages to create films that are intelligent, thought-provoking and not quite what you would expect.
We may observe how the memory of a dream which in the morning was still vivid fades in the course of the day, leaving only a few trifling remnants.
Details, for example, from my several days' ride through the Montana Hi-Line, the plains near the Canadian border, are hazy, the towns I stopped in mixed up in my head.
This review may have been a little dry on the details, but go see the movie--you'll be thanking me later.
One theory holds that memory traces or fragments are distributed throughout the brain as biophysical or biochemical changes called engrams.
“Dreams use so many bits and pieces of our memory, but not in a logical, linear way, ” says psychologist Rosalind Cartwright, Ph.D. “It’s more of an associative conglomeration of things.”
The material content of dreams would be explained by the coincidence of all those memories which, on the night of the dream, complete one of these biological periods for the first or the nth time.
Recall how hard they try, but still unable to piece together memories of silent short fragments, or that forgotten.
在他最为著名的作品“记忆碎片”(2000年)中,剧中的主角莱奥纳多(Guy Pearce)患有"短期失忆症"。
In his best movie, “Memento” (2000), Leonard, the traumatized hero (Guy Pearce), has lost his short-term memory.
就让尘归尘,土归土,让爱人不老,让幸福的记忆碎片在刹那定格为永恒。 。
Let Dust dust, earth return to the earth, so that love is not old, so happy memories of debris in the moment for eternity.
Thee most important memory tip is to study actively and to space out one's studying to avoid cramming and to allow for memory consolidation.
Taking a pair of nail scissors, I had cut up all of the names into tiny pieces until there were more than 20 slivers of our wedding day in front of me.
This is most notable in Following, Memento and The Prestige where scenes are shown out of sequence, often causing the viewer to question what is really happening in the story.
This is the hair endocentric the emotion from him expressed, you had already engraved in his in the mind under a branding, regardless later how, have you forever in his life of a memory fragment.
He's done it with Memento, Insomnia, and I think this is really a 5 fusion of what he's learned from doing, you know, The Dark Knight and films like that.
Her memories began to return in sporadic fragments in1985, following a car accident that threw her through the windshield of her car after hitting a tree.
Her memories began to return in sporadic fragments in1985, following a car accident that threw her through the windshield of her car after hitting a tree.