There is much pain accumulated in your body cells, in your dormant memory cells.
Her name jarred his memory cells, but the context eluded him. "Welcome to Los Angeles.
AIRS results in the memory cell pool after it is trained and classifies the original antigens by KNN.
The main operators of the algorithm include positive selection, memory cells producing, hyper-mutation and similar antibodies suppression.
The main operators of the algorithm included hyper mutation, positive selection to produce memory cells and similar cell suppression.
Memory cells were composed by half population with high affinity, and the half populations with low affinity in original generation were replaced.
In this algorithm, the data set to be analyzed is taken as the invading antigen and the memory cell generated ACTS as the initial cluster center.
As I was browsing through an old newspaper, I read aloud to my wife a news item about men losing their memory cells faster than women do.
While the clonal selection principle is responsible for generating the memory cell population, the immune network theory prevents the population size from increasing quickly.
"Connors believes that In reality, these" memory cells "need to re-stimulate, and after repeated exposure to the virus needs to be able to stimulate protect us."
To develop into memory cells, B cells have to survive the natural process of apoptosis, or programmed cell death, that occurs following a large immune response.
One thing we do know is that memory formation involves the strengthening of synaptic connections between nerve cells.
However, these steadier cells vary in that some continue to replay specific memories while the majority focus on more general moments within the event.
Synapses are the junctions between nerve cells, and their action is central to learning and memory. But they are also, he says, the most fragile parts of the brain.
Certain t cells remember the "insult" of the allergen and ensure that some part of the body keeps becoming inflamed.
The ability of the brain to absorb information, form new memories and learn new skills is all dependent on genetic mechanisms in nerve cells.
And the longer the depression lasts, the more cells are lost in areas critical to memory.
Tsien said these cells are vital in helping the brain remember events.
Animal studies have found that physically active animals have better memories and more cells in their hippocampus.
Genetics most likely play a role in a person's specific ratio of cells that would encode general versus more detailed memories, Tsien said.
Apart from our brain having memory, cells in our body, in billions, have their own memory.
Kandel worked out the neural circuitry that was established during learning and memory, and examined what molecular changes occurred in the cells of that circuit.
Your brain cells renew and studies show that people who don't get adequate sleep do worse on cognitive and memory tasks.
For example, prolonged stress can kill cells in the hippocampus, a brain area critical for memory.
Nerve cells containing the prions stop working. The sufferer endures memory loss, personality changes and spontaneous, jerky bodily movements.
ADDLS攻击神经突触- - -一种神经细胞间通过冲动进行联系的节点- - -它能帮助记忆。
ADDLs attack the synapses - the junctions between nerve cells through which impulses pass - which help form memory.
Called Sirtuin1 in humans, that same enzyme seems to enhance memory and nerve-cell development in the brain as well, according to the new findings, published in the peer-reviewed journal Nature.
Mutations in the Picalm gene are thought to disrupt the ability of brain neurons to talk to each other and form memories.
Memories of her are trapped in the grey cells of those who knew her, in photographs (analogue and digital), and in countless stories passed on by word of mouth.
Among the first ones to go when brain cells start dying are those involved in learning and memory.