• 负责立志行事对抗试探,乃是人的意志。

    It is the will which is responsible for deciding and acting against temptation.


  • 不要随便让自己就落试探情况中,要避免这样的情况。

    Don't carelessly place yourself in tempting situations. Avoid them.


  • 不要试探主,(有古卷作基督)他们有人试探所灭。

    Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents.


  • 应当辨认出最易被试探典型模式然后准备尽量避开这些情况

    You should identify your typical pattern of temptation and then prepare to avoid those situations as much as possible.


  • 例:篇文章我会试探分析现代科技好处坏处

    In this essay I will make a tentative analysis of the merits and demerits of modern technologies.


  • 不要随便自己就落试探情况中,要避免这样的情况。

    Don't carelessly place yourself in tempting situations. Avoid them. Remember that it is easier to stay out of temptation than to get out of it.


  • 有时意味着要离开试探处境,在这情况下逃跑的。

    Sometimes this means physically leaving a tempting situation. This is one time it is okay to run away. Get up and turn off the television set.


  • 在受试探时候,总你们一条出路,叫你们忍受得住

    But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.


  • 篇文章我会试探分析两种观点然后提出历史看法

    In this essay I will make a tentative analysis of both views before presenting my own perceptions of history.


  • 林前十9我们不要试探基督他们有些试探所灭。

    Cor. 10:9 Neither let us test Christ, as some of them tested Him and were destroyed by the serpents.


  • 不要意念苦战,只要改变思路转移你兴趣击败试探一步

    Don't fight the thought, just change the channel of your mind and get interested in another idea. This is the first step in defeating temptation.


  • 约瑟教导我们一个逃避试探方法,就是我们要知道上帝冒犯,要远离

    Joseph gave us one way of escape: Recognize sin as an affront to God and run from it.


  • 尝试着去原谅四个星期费利西蒂就试探的考验或电话我,有多么

    I'm trying to get over her, but every three or four weeks, Felicity will text or call and say how much she misses me.


  • 取代了2004开始试探最初索引算法已经证明处理大量非结构化数据集时更有效

    It replaced the original indexing algorithms and heuristics in 2004, given its proven efficiency in processing very large, unstructured datasets.


  • 预见到撒旦试探时辰不遗余力地攻击上帝余民,一次次的警告已经交织在上帝灵感的劝勉

    In anticipation of that "hour of temptation" when Satan will consolidate all his weapons against the remnant, warning after warning has been woven through the inspired counsels of God.


  • 因为我们所有的,不是不能同情我们弱点的大司祭而是各方面我们相似,受过试探,只是没有罪过

    For we have not a high priest, who can not have compassion on our infirmities: but one tempted in all things like as we are, without sin.


  • 最后,采用搜索试探平滑算法加入一个增加或者消除周期判断机制,对基音轨迹曲线出现的个别错误进行纠正。

    Finally, individual errors in pitch track are corrected by a smoothing method, in which a searching and tentative method together with a judge mechanism of adding or eliminating pitch period is used.


  • 我们自己每一次进行抵挡试探战役时就是真实地在参与那场更大争战,争战结果影响上帝生灵遍布全宇宙中的尊严

    Every time we fight our own little battle against temptation, we are truly a part of that larger conflict, the results of which will affect God's honor throughout the inhabited universe.


  • 认为小孩依赖唯一一个朋友健康”,训练营主管雅各布斯,“如果有些事情在变歪曲必须破坏,也就是要限制一些孩子试探的选择权”。

    "I don't think it's particularly healthy for a child to rely on one friend," said Jay Jacobs, the camp's director. "If something goes awry, it can be devastating."


  • 孩子,而第六勺子地板上时,你说:“了!不会再帮你勺子了!”,孩子会立即试探你的说辞。

    When your child throws her spoon on the floor for the sixth time as you try to feed her, and you say, "That's enough! I will not pick up your spoon again!" the child will immediately test your claim.


  • 同事人便试探地大讲他的想法

    He bounced ideas off colleagues everywhere he went.


  • 试探着提出了植物空气吸取它们部分养分的观点。

    He ventured that plants draw part of their nourishment from the air.


  • 十几公司董事会正在谨慎地试探风险投资者了解他们是否支持管理层收购

    Dozens of company boards are now discreetly sounding out venture capitalists to see if they will support management buyouts.


  • 在陡坡到处试探,想找蹬脚地方。

    He was scrabbling for a foothold on the steep slope.


  • 可能信息丰富、经过充分研究观点仍然个观点,因此,应用试探的语气谈论稍微减少一点自信

    It may be a well-informed, well-researched opinion, but it's still an opinion, so talk tentatively and slightly understates your confidence.


  • 如果不想听起来不礼貌与你谈话造成任何形式尴尬或窘迫,你应该学会英语使用委婉试探的话语。

    If you don't want to sound impolite, or cause embarrassment or distress of any kind to the person you're talking to, you should learn to use tactful and tentative forms in your English.


  • 你们不可试探耶和华你们你们玛撒那样试探

    Ye shall not tempt the LORD your God, as ye tempted him in Massah.


  • 瑟福提出一些试探想法认为也许第三粒子——中子

    Rutherford had put forward some tentative ideas that there might be a third particle - a neutron.


  • 瑟福提出一些试探想法认为也许第三粒子——中子

    Rutherford had put forward some tentative ideas that there might be a third particle - a neutron.


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