Because the nonparametric ACD model does not rely on the functional form of (conditional) mean value and the error distribution form, it has more typical implication.
In this paper, a new process of estimating autocorrelation parameter is given when remedying autocorrelation of error term in regression model.
The paper discusses the two-error model demand function in ladder-like water pricing of residents living water usage—discrete continuous model, and proposes its algorithm and program in R package.
The GPS error is influenced by a lot of factors, one of them is multipath effect.
By applying the harmonic analysis method to adjusting and compensating, the practical test data is acquired, and the inductosyn Angle measuring accuracy is, raised.
Moreover, at least one column of the orthogonal array should be remained as error term.
The gas flow in the gain tube is one of the main error sources in ring laser gyros.
According to mirror image principle. a simple and practical formula for numerical match and a dependence for estimating truncation error of summing up infinity terms are proposed out.
So adding a penalty term to the error function of BP network is an important approach to gain better generalization.
The constant angular rate was applied to three axis of turntable at the same time to actuate dynamic error term of accelerometer.
The uncertain term derived from rotor resistance, that produces the estimation error, appears in both the stator current equation and rotor flux equation.
The error from inertia sensor affects a maximum, so the degree of accelerometer array error compensated directly affects the following solution calculates precision.
By introducing nonlinear damping term, it is proved that all signals in the closed-loop system are globally stable, and the tracking error and the parameter (estimation) error converge to zero.
The effect of the surface albedo is considered secondly as an error correction so as to obtain the net solar radiation at various surface albedos .
The TRL calibration was completed using 10 error correction models in the vector network analyzer. The accurate measurement of double ridge waveguide device was realized.
Based on the approximation property of fuzzy systems, a nonlinear system can be expressed as the form of linear parametric model and a modelling error term.
The basic characteristic of the linear model is the unknown parameter of the model is linear and it also includes the linear random error.
In the case that measured profiles match theory profiles, each error item is attained by using appropriate arithmetic.
All the 21 geometric errors can be obtained by the means of measuring volumetric errors on some specific circles in XY, YZ, XZ planes.
The characteristics of error motion of shafting is a complex signal which includes periodic component and random term.
An important machining error requirement in design was discussed, which serves as the basis for design of the differential.
The plane wave error is always negative windage, when the sound wave is the cycle function of space and time.
Finally, an iterative algorithm of estimated parameters in the strictly stationary return sequences, which error terms are subject to ar (1) is put forward.
Furthermore, the error resulted from fuzzy approximation and the external disturbances are compensated so that the influence on the system is minimized.
In flying height measuring method utilizing light intensity interference principle, the position control of micro flying head has effect on measuring error.
Another main work in the paper is to apply correlation function to real-time error correction techniques for encoder.
The solution is accurate to first order in the eccentricity and inclination difference and including no long term errors.
The parameter of LFM term estimated by the changing sample ratio processing technology to improve the performance of tracing distance is presented.
The steady error is an increasing function of the stiffness parameter if the source term is nonlinear.
The former determines the frequency range which should be revised by the hot tracking circuit, while the later is the final frequency error of the local oscillator.