The KGDB utility is a debugger based on GDB that allows debugging of kernel core files.
It allows you to open the KGDB utility; only in emacs can you do the kernel debugging line by line.
The search utility is useful for debugging your Sphinx configuration and performing impromptu searches.
DB -Access实用程序提供一个能够输入、执行和调试sql语句的用户界面。
DB-Access utility provides a user interface for typing, executing, and debugging SQL statements.
You'll find this a handy utility for debugging problems and improving query performance.
例如,我使用Apache的log4 J日志记录实用程序记录消息,以便进行调试。
For instance, I used Apache's log4J logging utility to log messages for debugging.
可通过make 实用程序将调试版本和发行版本的制作自动化。
Making debug and release versions can be automated by the make utility.
It can also be used in some cases as a useful debugging tool: some Linux (or at least UNIX) utilities (and even daemons) do not display error messages, only the errno value.
It can also be used in some cases as a useful debugging tool: some Linux (or at least UNIX) utilities (and even daemons) do not display error messages, only the errno value.