• 面临要丈夫风流韵事耻辱

    She faced the humiliation of discussing her husband's affair.


  • 开始工作的时候,走神了。

    When she started talking about her job, he just tuned out.


  • 宁愿在我和皮特之前知晓此事。

    I'd sooner he didn't know till I've talked to Pete.


  • 切尔那里到的食物

    Rachel raved about the new foods she ate while she was there.


  • 讨厌感情

    He hates talking about his feelings.


  • 生意之前,先送给潜在的客户一些赠品联络感情。

    Potential customers are softened up with free gifts before the sales talk.


  • 我们一起生意上的事。希望他能更浪漫一点

    When we're together, all he talks about is business. I wish he were more romantic.


  • 希望今晚时间一会儿,—或者至少能问件事儿

    I hope there will be time to talk a bitor at least ask you about one or two things this evening.


  • 最近排球比赛

    All she talks about these days is volleyball games.


  • 越是夸夸其鼠兰特就严肃越沉默

    The more he talked and boasted, the more grave and silent the Rat became.


  • 起初写信后来决定亲自过去

    I first considered writing to him, but then decided to go and speak to him in person.


  • 应该了解一下事物准备怎么样了,然后告诉厨房经理明天过来一下工作内容,安排工作时间

    I guess I should look into the food-prep, then, I'll tell the kitchen manager that you will stop by tomorrow to talk about the job and schedule your hours.


  • 不能所有亚洲语言混为一

    You can't lump all Asian languages together.


  • 戈德斯通的夸夸其

    He had been listening to Goldstone's rantings all night.


  • 政治便流于夸夸其

    He tends to overstate his case when talking politics.


  • 他们,无所不

    They were talking of this, that and t'other.


  • 一段私人不想详述内容。

    It was a private conversation and I don't want to go into details about what was said.


  • 随便她认为一个秘书应有品质

    She chatted for a few minutes about the qualities she considered desirable in a secretary.


  • 只是随口提及而已,没有任何细节

    He only mentioned it in passing and didn't give any details.


  • 什么不亲自和她呢?

    Why not have a talk with her in person?


  • 和比尔。我告诉他我自己的经历。

    I had a talk with Bill. I told him about my own experiences.


  • 认为首先要找一个信任的人

    He thinks the first step is to find someone you trust to talk to.


  • 们和我的父母,决定让我暂停一周的训练。

    They talked to my parents and decided to give me a one-week break from training.


  • 们都喜欢打篮球和集邮,所以我们总是有很多话题可

    We both liked playing basketball and collecting stamps, so we always had a lot of things to talk about.


  • 太空一句老话外行技术内行保险

    There's an old saying in the space world: amateurs talk about technology, professionals talk about insurance.


  • 最近名人儿童广告中的作用常常主持销售概念混为一

    In the recent past, the role of celebrities in advertising to children has often been conflated with the concept of host selling.


  • 决定演讲过程些笔记一些有趣部分,再代表学会感谢

    I decided to make notes during the lecture and refer to interesting parts and thank her on behalf of the society.


  • 没有乔布斯发布会上侃侃而感觉另一家科技公司产品发布会

    Whitout Jobs to sprinkle his stardust on the event, it felt like just another product launch from just another technology firm.


  • 没有乔布斯发布会上侃侃而感觉另一家科技公司产品发布会

    Whitout Jobs to sprinkle his star dust on the event, it felt like just another product launch from just another technology firm.


  • 如果确实需要路线图软件销售代表建立一个简报。

    If you do need a roadmap, please talk to your Software Sales rep to set up a briefing.


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