• 唯一信任的人就是另一他从未谋面谈判专家

    And the only thing he could trust is another name he had never met a negotiator.


  • 一旦双方的谈判专家赎金数目方面达成一致,赎金一般轻型飞机抛到指定地点。

    Once the professional negotiators who work for both sides have agreed on a sum, the money is usually dropped from a light aircraft.


  • 适合双子职业选择新闻业旅游业媒体翻译谈判专家语言学家等等

    The career options for a Gemini man are journalism, travel industry, media, interpreter, negotiator, linguist and so on.


  • 因此如果屋里两个技巧高超薪水谈判专家这场比赛就给出薪水的数字

    So if there are two good salary negotiators in the room, it will be a game to see who has to give the first number.


  • 认为避免所说同情心陷阱”,对于帮助女性成长为强势的谈判专家大有好处。

    Avoiding what he calls "the empathy trap" could, he believes, go a long way toward turning more women into powerhouse negotiators.


  • 谈判专家乔纳森·奥布莱恩认为应当询问有关培训课程业务资质的问题。

    Negotiation expert Jonathan o 'brien believes that you should ask about training courses and business qualifications.


  • 最后我们被试不是专业谈判专家他们没有受过特殊培训行政监管人员

    Finally, our participants were not professional negotiators, they were clerical and supervisory workers without special training.


  • 今年议题的焦点很明显海洋生物反映人们日益认识到海洋大规模毁坏会议谈判专家

    A pronounced focus on Marine creatures is evident in this year's proposals, reflecting a growing awareness of the decimation of the seas, negotiators and conservation experts say.


  • 认为避免所说的“同情心陷阱”,对于帮助女性成长为强势的谈判专家大有好处。

    "Avoiding what he calls" the empathy trap "could, he believes, go a long way toward turning more women into powerhouse negotiators."


  • 简言之我们需要谈判桌上有更为强硬谈判专家—达成既有利于华尔街有利于普通商业街协议

    Put simply, we need tougher negotiators on our side of the table-to strike bargains that are good not just for Wall Street, but also for Main Street.


  • 一位肯尼亚海盗谈判专家告知会成为一部好莱坞电影素材但是他本人可能没空观赏

    Kenyan pirate negotiator has told of his surprise that he is set to be the subject of a Hollywood film, but reckons he may be too busy to see it.


  • 谈判专家解决绑架人质案件重要作用实践证实我国没有形成谈判专家机制

    Negotiation experts play an important role in solving the cases of kidnapping hostages, which has been proved by practice, however, our country hasn t formed the negotiation expert system.


  • 塞尔维亚首席谈判专家波尔克•斯特凡诺维奇言道,和科索沃的代表谈判有时感觉是和外星球对话”。

    TALKING to the delegation from Kosovo was “sometimes like talking to people from another planet.” Thus Borko Stefanovic, the chief Serbian negotiator.


  • 尽管如此危机谈判专家实际上经常通过绑匪述说人质的家庭私人情况,从而力争绑匪与人质之间关系的稳定。

    Nonetheless, crisis negotiators often actually try to encourage captor-hostage bonding by telling perpetrators about the victims' families or personal lives.


  • 安德鲁录像记录下谈判专家通话通话告诉警察自己只是很生气表示要和他父亲通话

    Andrews video also records his phone conversation with negotiators, in which he tells police he is merely angry and that he wanted to speak with his father.


  • 本文谈判专家心理能力构成要素出发分析谈判专家应当具备的心理能力,以及优化这些能力基本措施。

    This paper proceeds from the components of the negotiator's mental capacity, analyses the required mental capacity of the negotiators and the basic measures to optimize them.


  • 作为成功谈判专家所必备能力之一,就是在任何谈判认识制定一个强有力BATNA的作用。

    In fact, one of the most important things you can do to be a successful negotiator is to understand the power of developing a strong BATNA before starting any negotiation.


  • 作为职业律师缺乏IMF总裁需要技术背景一位顶级的沟通者,很好的谈判专家而且一致认为是优秀的管理人

    A lawyer by profession, she lacks the technical background that the IMF's best bosses have had, but she is a superb communicator, a good negotiator and, by all accounts, an excellent manager.


  • 选举中MrAhmadinejad将要面临的最严峻挑战来自其他保守派比如说ali Larijani,谈判专家

    In that election Mr Ahmadinejad's toughest competition will come from other conservatives such as Ali Larijani, a former nuclear negotiator.


  • 也许正是因为这种能力翁格里人思维方式是从所有可能的方面审视形势,这有助于他们成为高效政客外交官谈判专家

    Perhaps because of this ability, the Ongree mindset is to examine a situation from all possible perspectives, making them effective politicians, diplomats, and negotiators.


  • 谈判专家乔纳森•奥布莱恩。 “温暖真诚的聊天意味着你们了解对方建立融洽关系并且看起来不那么争取可能得到最好待遇。”

    Warm and genuine small talk means that you will get to know each other, build rapport and it will make it seem less likely that you are negotiating hard for the best possible package.


  • 谈判专家乔纳森•奥布莱恩。 “温暖真诚的聊天意味着你们了解对方建立融洽关系并且看起来不那么争取可能得到最好待遇。”

    Warm and genuine small talk means that you will get to know each other, build rapport and it will make it seem less likely that you are negotiating hard for the best possible package.


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