Google Glass is a pair of glasses with a battery hidden inside the frame .
A couple of months ago, he started wearing the glasses to the office every day.
Google selected 8,000 individuals as Google Glass Explorers.
But Google's Chris Dale says the device is designed to address that concern.
They do notice you're wearing Glass, and it can be the only thing they focus on.
Not only that, but "Google is going to have to make glass look more like ordinary glasses," he adds.
Despite the skeptics, Glass will eventually have a wide variety of applications, says Erlich.
Smart glass products like Google glass are wearable computers with a head-mounted display.
Mike DiGiovanni created a way to take pictures with just a wink.
The main advantage he's found: Having a computer screen in front of your right eye leaves your hands free.
"Ask an employee to wear Glass and record typical or interesting moments throughout the day," he suggests.
Brin said he would like to use Glass as the viewfinder for his SLR camera in order to be able to take pictures more spontaneously.
Instead, he wears a Google Glass-like remote control, giving orders to his Iron Man team.
Today, Glass, which is operated via voice commands and by touching the display's frame, does just a few things.
It USES the Glass camera to translate printed words, and then overlays the translated text on top of the original.
"The web is no longer in your pocket, it is right before your very eyes, " said John Doerr, of Kleiner Perkins, in reference to Google (GOOG) Glass.
For one thing, the current base price of $1,500 plus tax is a bit steep for most consumers.
More to the point, at about twice the price of the average smartphone, can Glass do anything a smartphone can't?
Though those estimates suggest Google Glass commands a roughly 90% profit margin, IHS cautions that is likely not the case.
Medical professionals, for example, can use Google Glass to skim a patient's medical history without referencing traditional charts on a computer, and so diagnose symptoms more quickly.
Of course, Amazon can tweak its mobile apps to take advantage of Google Glass, but that would no more serve its need to drive more transactions than an ordinary Android phone.
Nicholus especially likes YourShow, a Glass app that makes notes for a speech or presentation available in front of the speaker's eyes.
The CaixaBank branch finder and currency converter applications are ready for use, and will be launched once Google officially opens the Google Glass application market in the United States.
As Erlich notes, Glass isn't a final product — the consumer version is expected later this year, and wearable technology remains a nascent market.
A member of the audience asked if Google glass could use facial recognition to help a user identify someone they are talking to — a particularly alluring feature at an industry conference.
The program, which he called Mail Goggles, intercepts e-mails sent using Google's e-mail service, Gmail, after a certain time in the evening.
在硅谷,几乎所有人都曾认为,谷歌根本无法与Facebook竞争,但Google +的表现却让所有人——包括Facebook的忠实拥趸——大跌眼镜。
In Silicon Valley, where everyone had given up on the idea that Google could compete with Facebook, Google + caught everyone — including Facebook loyalists — by surprise.
What could the Internet giant possibly buy, considering it's already working on everything from driverless cars to futuristic Internet eyeglasses?
If you think text ing while walking is dangerous, just wait until everyone starts wearing Google's futuristic, Internet-connected glasses.
If you think text ing while walking is dangerous, just wait until everyone starts wearing Google's futuristic, Internet-connected glasses.