Only officers with independent means could normally be detailed to these posts.
Finding a buyer with deep pockets dulls the pain of being a publicly traded company.
But east and central African countries and well-financed animal-rights groups fiercely oppose this.
With their deep pockets, they were able to continue to open new shops and invest in the business during the crisis.
There is no mistaking that the U. S. News methodology rewards those schools with the deepest pockets.
The school has a board of governors including powerful and wealthy parents. Lesson plans are supervised in detail.
The question now is which of the deep pocketed groups listed above - if any - will wind up partnering with Huffington.
They consisted of numerous people and possessed abundant financial resources, thus making a notable impact on the economy of the cities in South China.
High in financial means, patricians are 'principally concerned with associating with other patricians rather than dissociating themselves from other classes of consume rs.
Therefore, it is essential to choose a contractor with strong financial ability, reliable techniques and rich experience among numerous bidding companies.
看看当年共和党的初选就知道这绝非无稽之谈。当时有两位财力雄厚的候选人- - -米特罗尼和鲁迪·久利·阿尼。
Consider the evidence from the Republican primaries, where the two best-funded campaigns were those of Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani.
Sergei Kostenko, chief executive of Orbital Technologies said: "The hotel will be aimed at wealthy individuals and people working for private companies who want to do research in space."
Mr Campbell has inherited a well run, financially sound institution. Emily Rafferty, its president, is a gifted fund-raiser.
The one difference is that Chelsea's financial strength means they can keep hold of an unhappy player, a risk Arsenal cannot afford to take with Cole because of his diminishing value.
The one difference is that Chelsea's financial strength means they can keep hold of an unhappy player, a risk Arsenal cannot afford to take with Cole because of his diminishing value.