The new official Indian currency symbol: the Indian Rupee sign.
Currency symbols should not be entered in the Criteria pane.
This converter deals with grouping (such as commas), number of decimal digits, currency symbols, and such.
This code is used to determine the currency symbol to display as part of the formatted value.
C - is the currency symbol, and adds the culture's currency symbol to the appropriate spot.
Do not include digit grouping symbols (such as a comma between thousands) or currency symbols.
Clearly separate non-numeric symbols such as currency signs and tax application markers from the currency values.
First, the currency formatting isn't flexible to allow me to specify where I want the currency symbol.
Alternatively, you can use the currencySymbol attribute to explicitly specify the currency symbol.
Virtual economy means activity in which the currency symbol shows commodity value and virtual capital holds and deals.
This process involves translation to the local language; the proper setting of date, number, and currency formats; sorting rules; etc.
We are going to tune the stockquote example to allow us to get stock prices adjusted by currency.
DBMONEY: the currency symbol for the money column values in the external data file are in the format specified by the DBMONEY.
如果变数的值包含货币符号 ($),NMAKE 会将它解读为巨集引动过程的开头。
If a variable's value contains a dollar sign ($), NMAKE interprets it as the beginning of a macro invocation.
Contains transportation symbols, currency symbols, credit card logos, international warning signs, prizes, puzzle pieces, and symbols that represent business units.
Currency symbols always have three letters, where the first two letters identify the name of the country and the third letter identifies the name of that country's currency.
遗憾的是,为欧元或者英镑返回的货币符号不是实际的符号,而是三位的货币代码(来自ISO 4217)。
Unfortunately, the currency symbols returned for things like euros and pounds are not the actual symbols, but are instead the three-digit currency code (from ISO 4217).
This new moon falls in Scorpio - a big money sign - and it will send a powerful beam to mighty Jupiter, the planet of good fortune.
The only feature it does exist is not converted to wealth, are some specific foods are not created by labor, but the practice of direct exchange for currency symbols.
As with language and country codes, currency codes are governed by an ISO standard. (See Resources for links to all the valid ISO currency codes.)
变量名必须从一个字母开始,因此Velocity很容易把变量名与模板中的货币符号分开(比如, $100不可能是一个变量名)。
Variable names must begin with a letter, which makes it easy for Velocity to distinguish variable names from currency notation within a template (for instance, $100 cannot be a variable name).
Every locale USES different symbols to express common concepts, such as currencies, decimal and grouping separators, and mathematical symbols.
Exceptions, of course, being configuration issues that appear in the problem domain, such as currency representation, though even that could be done automatically by detecting the current locale.
They're the edible equivalent of a diamond necklace, monetary tokens of affection, a flashy display to show you care.
In the short run, the monetary disequilibrium enters the VECM as an exogenous variable with significant negative effects, which confirms the theoretical prediction of the monetary approach again.
In the short run, the monetary disequilibrium enters the VECM as an exogenous variable with significant negative effects, which confirms the theoretical prediction of the monetary approach again.