• 车厢或者其他超过预定时间滞留

    Detention of a ship, freight car, or other cargo conveyance during loading or unloading beyond the scheduled time of departure.


  • 在1897到1903年间,一共铺设了95英哩铁路建造了37火车站,引进了210车厢车厢20个火车头

    Between 1897 and 1903, 95 miles of railway were laid, 37 stations were built, and 210 freight cars and passenger wagons and 20 engines introduced.


  • 那次朋友答应我把家里东西雇来的车厢里——那需要穿过整个镇子

    A friend agreed to help me move all my stuff across town in the back of a van I'd hired.


  • 个人车里走出,放下挡板,警犬车厢出来。

    Two men got out, lowered the tailgate, and a torrent of bloodhounds poured from the truck bed.


  • 银幕上,有个影子总是晃来晃去——他脚上好像车厢一样,而他脸上那神秘莫测的笑容哈姆雷特独白

    On the screen, a shadow flickered-a shadow with feet like boxcars and a smile like the last soliloquy of Hamlet.


  • 点点头,搬运工德里克转向司机摆手然后后面抬起活动梯,关上车厢门,封存之前生活所有东西。

    I nodded, and Derek the removal man turned back to the van, gave a wave to his driver and went to the back to lift the ramp, close the hatched and seal up the contents of my previous life.


  • 狐狸侦探麦克斯暗中溜被盗车厢上,银行劫匪逃跑时开走的。

    Slylock Fox and Max Mouse sneaked into the back of a stolen truck that bank bandits escaped with.


  • 赶到现场看到车,车厢溅满了鲜血

    He raced to the scene and found the van, its interior sprayed with blood.


  • 西面坡上,一列19节车厢正在慢慢地爬上斜坡

    Just over a slight rise to the west, a 19-car freight train slowly made its way up the incline.


  • 沉重车厢觉得轻而易举感到早上离开农庄有劲了。

    As I heaved the heavy freight into the bed of the truck, I did so with ease, feeling like a stronger man than the one that left the farm that morning.


  • 超级8中的神秘1979年驶过莉莉安的车的车厢。 当时孩子们正在暗地里拍摄一部名为“超级8”的电影

    The mystery box in Super 8 is a boxcar on a freight train speeding through Lillian one night in 1979 as some kids are furtively shooting a Super-8 movie.


  • 证明下述集装箱车厢业经核准运输海关加封

    This is to certify that the carriage( s) of container car specified below has( have) been approved for the transport of goods under Customs seal.


  • 复合材料封闭车厢包括箱体,所述的箱体外层中层内层构成。

    The invention relates to a composite material closed boxcar which comprises a box body, wherein the box body consists of an outer layer, a middle layer and an inner layer.


  • 他们拽着胳膊,把着后门车那,把扔到车厢里。

    They grabbed my arms and carried me over to the open tailgate of a pickup. They slammed me down on the bed of the truck.


  • 翼展厢式车厢骨架重要承载件,它质量也占车整车整备质量的三分之一左右。

    The skeleton of a wingspan van body is one of the most important components for a van.


  • 今年早些时候一个动物关爱组织在通往屠宰场路上车厢中救下了20被遗弃藏獒,原本等待他们宰杀后分解毛皮狗肉出售,而售价仅为5美元。

    Earlier this year an animal-welfare group rescued 20 abandoned mastiffs from the back of a lorry, which was taking them to a slaughter house to be sold for leather and meat—for a mere $5 each.


  • 他们贾斯汀保罗推进了一绿色车厢开车离开了

    They just pushed Justin and Paul into the back of a green van and drove away.


  • 今天最终能装配成九十节车厢车。

    Today, it's at work adding cars to what will eventually be a 90 car freight train.


  • 机械断线钳涉及一种机械工具特别是用于剪断达到开启铁路车厢加固目的断线钳。

    The utility model relates to a machine tool, particularly mechanical wire clippers which are used for opening the locking bar of the reinforcing lock of a boxcar on the railway by shearing.


  • 机械断线钳涉及一种机械工具特别是用于剪断达到开启铁路车厢加固目的断线钳。

    The utility model relates to a machine tool, particularly mechanical wire clippers which are used for opening the locking bar of the reinforcing lock of a boxcar on the railway by shearing.


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