Lorry drivers say they have almost abandoned the practice of signalling cars to overtake when the road is clear, because many of the cars took too long to pass.
Toms car ran out of gas, and he had to hitch a ride with a truck driver.
For lorry drivers in poor countries, for example, it can be even more commonplace than paying tolls or taxes.
If you enjoy driving and being on your own, you might find that being a truck driver is just the thing for you.
Story 23 Go to the Cinema a lorry driver, David is driving 200 penguins to London Zoo.
Before Greece descended into crisis, its lorry drivers required special licences, and none had been granted for several decades.
Truck drivers can also enjoy seamless customs clearance at all Land Boundary Control Points.
Places like these are often where the drivers of big trucks have meals. So you may find amazing vegetables here.
The authors studied bribes paid by lorry drivers along two main roads in Aceh, an Indonesian province where separatist guerrillas had long been active.
The next day, Youhui leaves the lorry to buy breakfast for Dafeng. The lorry driver drives the vehicle away without realising that Dafeng is in it.
You can’t always get rid of a headache, but you can close the windows if the driver of a truck is outside revving his engine.
Local transport supervisors did not entrap a van driver while investigating illegal cab operations, according to urban management authorities in the Pudong New Area of Shanghai.
Once I got into the cab with a young lorry driver who careered along at 90mph to frighten other drivers, but I wasn't scared.
They are familiar with routes and local people, which means that following big truck can lead you to restaurants that are filling at the price.
Empty ULD Release time - the waiting time of a trucker, after submitted unit Release Form at the ULD collection points, to receive the first empty unit loading device.
Having considered that the truck driver was convicted for repeated violations of the WDO, the Magistrate decided that a prison sentence was required to deter future contraventions.
Richard Evans, a retired lorry driver, and his family were travelling in Spain last summer when their camper van broke down.
OSA has been implicated in performance errors by plane and ship pilots and drivers of trains, trucks, and automobiles.
Action to investigate the basis of the information, the so-called "AIDS Society" is overloaded truck drivers to spend money to employ large, the tools used to avoid punishment.
Action to investigate the basis of the information, the so-called "AIDS Society" is overloaded truck drivers to spend money to employ large, the tools used to avoid punishment.