• 贷款利息增加、违约的上升以及不良债务进一步增多减少甚至可能完全抵消通胀的有利影响。

    The benefit would be reduced, or possibly eliminated, by higher interest rates payable on loans, higher default rates and a further increase in bad debts.


  • 实际上去年末他们便已最小资本充足率8%提高至10%,不良贷款增加了必要储备

    In fact, they started at the end of last year by raising the minimum capital adequacy ratio to 10% from 8% and increased required provisions for bad loans.


  • 失业率为20%,不良贷款上升

    Unemployment is at 20%, and bad-loan charges are rising.


  • 可是我们这次危机认识到,即使低的债权比(杠杆率)也不能有效地避免银行不良贷款

    But as we've just learned in this crisis, a low debt-to-equity ratio doesn't offer any protection against a bank making a bad loan.


  • 1999年6月工行不良贷款达到47.5%。

    In June 1999, the nonperforming loan ratio at ICBC reached 47.5 percent.


  • 以来,工行将新增贷款不良贷款率保持在1.7%。

    Since then, ICBC has kept its nonperforming ratio for new loans to 1.7 percent.


  • 西班牙银行业5月份不良贷款比例房产不良贷款已经高达约4.6%,和一年前相比增长了3因为西班牙的失业率似乎有飙升至20%之势。

    The ratio of bad loans to the total, property included, has tripled to 4.6% over the past 12 months as unemployment appears to head inexorably towards 20%.


  • 商业抵押担保贷款违约率升高连同不良建筑业贷款一起,可能造成美国银行商业物业上损失两千两千三百亿美元。

    Together with bad construction loans, that could push the losses of American banks on commercial property to $200 billion-230 billion.


  • 下调拨覆盖率新政落地对于银行加大不良贷款核销减缓利润下滑都是个极大的利好消息

    If the New Deal of lowering the provision coverage lands, it will begood news for banks to increase writing off non-performing loans and slow downthe decline in profits.


  • 2002年任命为总裁后,我最先作出决定之一就是工行必须确保新增贷款不良贷款率在2%以内

    After I was appointed president3 in 2000, one of the first things I decided was that we must hold the nonperforming ratio for new loans to less than 2 percent of assets.


  • 桑坦德银行不良贷款2.82%提高3.37%。

    Santander had a non-performing loan ratio of 3.37%, up from 2.82%.


  • 比如美联储近日数据显示,2016年一季度汽车贷款的不良信贷率出现年来的首次上升

    Recent data from the Federal Reserve, for instance, showed that delinquencies on auto loans had risen in first quarter of 2016 for the first time in three years.


  • 从当前我国银行信贷风险管理情况来看,我国商业银行风险管理水平普遍低,整个银行体系不良贷款偏高,远远高于国际警戒线

    Now, The level of our country commercial bank risk manage is widespread and lower, and the bad loan rate of whole bank system is higher, far higher than international warn line.


  • 履行不佳贷款,不良贷款:指一项未来收益前景不好、回报率贷款

    Badly performing loan: loan with poor prospects for future gains and a low rate of return.


  • 国有商业银行现状资本充足率,不容乐观的流动性比例,低的资产收益率高的不良贷款

    Four large state-owned commercial Banks are involve in the problems as follows low capital adequacy ratio, low liquidity ratio, low assets revenue ratio and high bad loans.


  • 同时发现,吉林省中小金融机构面临主要问题依然如何降低不良贷款率、提高资产质量

    The main problem facing the small and medium financial institutions are still lowering the rate of non-performing loans and promoting asset quality.


  • 计量结果表明样本发达国家中,公共征信私营征信都不良贷款显著的抑制作用

    Measurement results show that a non-performing loan rate is significantly inhibited by public and private credit bureau in the whole sample and developed countries.


  • 我们不良贷款率在不断下降

    Our ratio of non-performing loans is going down.


  • 首先说银行业一些欧元区成员国特别是塞浦路斯希腊意大利三国,银行业不良贷款已经达到令人担忧水平,让人不禁质疑欧洲银行业的抗风险能力。

    In the banking sector, non-performing loans are reaching worrying levels in some member states, especially in Cyprus, Greece, and Italy, casting doubts over the resilience of Europe's banking sector.


  • 不断上升失业率加剧房地产市场的低迷进一步打压抵押贷款债务加剧汽车贷款信用卡其他消费贷款的不良情况。

    Rising unemployment threatens to deepen the housing slump, further depress mortgage debt and increase delinquencies on car loans, credit CARDS and other consumer loans.


  • 通过我国商业银行房地产贷款比率、房地产总产值贡献率、房地产不良贷款统计分析表明我国商业银行信贷集中于房地产业之现象属声誉羊群行为。

    By statistical analysis of the loans for real estate and the real estate load accounts for ratio of total load, it is manifested that there are reputational herdings in commercial banks of China.


  • 加权风险资产收益率作为商业银行盈利能力衡量依据,用不良贷款不良贷款的净形成作为资产质量管理能力的衡量依据。

    Return on risk-weighted assets (RORWA) is used to indicate the profitability of banks while non-performing loan rate and non-performing loan forming rate are used to indicate banks'asset quality.


  • 加权风险资产收益率作为商业银行盈利能力衡量依据,用不良贷款不良贷款的净形成作为资产质量管理能力的衡量依据。

    Return on risk-weighted assets (RORWA) is used to indicate the profitability of banks while non-performing loan rate and non-performing loan forming rate are used to indicate banks'asset quality.


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