• 全国各地战略合作伙伴数十家本站资本注入

    Strategic partners across the country have been on the site of dozens of capital injection.


  • 首先被动获得外界资本注入,代价是交出公司的部分权益

    The first would be some sort of passive capital infusion in exchange for a piece of the company.


  • 因此没有英国工厂拒绝德国法国墨西哥资本注入

    So no British factories will close in the face of imports from Germany, France or Mexico.


  • 对于微小问题切除坏账通过新的资本注入方式银行其他部门恢复健康

    For more minor ailments, bad loan books may be excised and the rest of the bank restored to health with a transfusion of new capital.


  • 从来不推崇行政干预但是巴西阻止国外资本注入市场举措还是可以让人接受的。

    I have never been a fan of intervention, but this move by Brazil seems to be an acceptable way to try and stem the flow of foreign capital into their markets.


  • 国会后来保尔方案进行了修改引入资本注入成为可能条款但却不是强制性的。

    When Congress modified the Paulson plan, it introduced provisions that made such a capital injection possible, but not mandatory.


  • 赤字大量减少原因是暂时性财政激励措施到期停止了对银行的资本注入寄望经济复苏

    Most of that drop will come from the expiration of temporary stimulus measures, the cessation of capital injections and the hoped-for start of economic recovery.


  • 这些行为资本注入几乎没有价值没有长期价值项目比如投机佛罗里达州沼泽地开发不动产

    These activities shift capital into projects that have little or no long-term value, such as speculative real-estate developments in the swamps of Florida.


  • 目前危机中,决策者先进各种原因使用资本注入资产收购保持金融机构运作而不是去关闭他们

    In the current crisis, policymakers have advanced a variety of reasons for using capital injections and asset purchases to keep financial institutions going rather than shutting them down.


  • 如果这样,更多必要的,据说巴拉克·巴马团队将建立一个坏帐银行容纳不良贷款将更多资本注入银行

    More will be necessary if, as is rumoured, Barack Obama's team creates a bad bank to take on troubled loans and puts more capital into Banks.


  • 通过资本注入债务重组基础设施改造等措施特许经营公司成功地在特许经营地区加快供水速度,提高了供水质量。

    Through capital infusion, debt restructuring and infrastructure rehabilitation, both concessionaires managed to accelerate and enhance supply across their franchise areas.


  • 3月31日,有猜测日元欧元美元汇率可能会下降,很多日本投资者纷纷资本注入海外寻求财年中有更高的汇报,以开启更好的明天

    March 31 (Bloomberg) -- The yen fell against the euro and the dollar on speculation Japanese investors will send more money overseas in search of higher returns in the fiscal year starting tomorrow.


  • 国际贸易迅速扩张得益于资本注入,主要起源于西班牙船只美洲带来金银

    The rapid expansion in international trade also benefitted from an infusion of capital, stemming largely from gold and silver brought by Spanish vessels from the Americas.


  • 要是不监管,银行可以通过实体注入风险逃避资本需求这样更加有吸引力

    But their being unregulated made it more attractive for Banks (whose affiliates the non-banks often were) to evade capital requirements by pushing risk into these entities.


  • 他们的方案中,银行CDS价格高于阈值监管者迫使管理者注入足够多自有资本缓解债券持有人损失

    In their scheme, when a bank's CDS price stays above a certain threshold, the regulator forces managers to inject enough equity capital to cushion bondholders against losses.


  • 同时联邦管理部门保证在周三启动经过修订的项目金融部门注入新的资本

    Federal regulators, meanwhile, pledged they will launch a revamped programme to inject fresh capital into financial institutions starting on Wednesday.


  • 目前为止美国注入资本要求很少公司义务。但是美国的银行任然需要相当规模普通股作为保护银行免遭损失一道防线

    America's capital injections to date have imposed less onerous terms, but its Banks still need a reasonable level of common equity to act as a credible first defence against losses.


  • 应该给正讨论银行注入足够资本确保他们能够达到宏观经济目标,即健康客户借贷能保证实现一般水平盈利

    The Banks in question must be injected with enough capital to ensure they can meet the macroeconomic objective of maintaining normal levels of profitable lending to healthy customers.


  • 它们不能迫使任何国家出钱的事(行话叫义务分担”),比如银行注入资本

    They cannot compel countries to do anything that might cost money (" burden sharing "in the jargon), such as propping up Banks with more capital.


  • 本周这些债券保险人告知想维持它们所希望的AAA评级,就必须让股东注入更多资本无疑为市政债券蒙上了一阴影

    They were told this week that they might lose their coveted AAA ratings unless their shareholders provide more capital, which would cast a cloud over municipal bonds.


  • 资本注入正是雷曼公布三季度28亿美元损失导致股价暴跌之际。

    The new capital came as Lehman disclosed a $2.8 billion second-quarter loss that sent its shares plunging.


  • 乐观者称私人资本注入会激励印度乡村穷人信贷大幅度的增长,而他们之中的2700万人已经小额信贷客户了。

    Optimists hoped that an infusion of private capital would spur even greater growth in credit to India’s rural poor, nearly 27m of whom are already microfinance clients.


  • 上月通过TARP美国银行业2500亿美元股本注入(为资本资产比率增添了两个百分点)促使后雷曼时期飙升LIBOR/OIS利差回落了一半

    The insertion, last month, of $250 billion of equity into American banks through TARP (a two-percentage-point addition to capital-asset ratios) halved the post-Lehman surge of the LIBOR/OIS spread.


  • 然而份声明仍旧回避了一个问题:注入危机银行何种资本

    What it still sidesteps is the basis on which new equity will be injected into tottering Banks.


  • 地区国家没有大力吸收自己大量资本而是依靠国际投资外部资金外部投资者当然可能不同投资注入期。

    Instead of tapping its own abundant capital, the region continues to depend on external funds to finance internal investment. Outside investors, of course, may have different investment horizons.


  • 大约四个世纪之前英国便开始印度注入资本创建印度公司,为大英帝国奠定了在印度基石

    AROUND four centuries ago, British capital started flowing into India, creating the East India Company, and laying the foundations of the empire.


  • 大约四个世纪之前英国便开始印度注入资本创建印度公司,为大英帝国奠定了在印度基石

    AROUND four centuries ago, British capital started flowing into India, creating the East India Company, and laying the foundations of the empire.


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